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The 10 worse High Profile Hawks of All time....


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High Profile meaning first round picks or big trades.

I will start it off:

1. Priest Laturdale. He might not be worthy of #1, but at 7'4 and over 250, he should have been able to dominate.

2. El Gigante. I remember, but i don't remember his name.. I was told he went on to wrestling for Ted Turner.

3. Roy Marble. "The Next Micheal Jordan".

4. Ken "The Snake" Norman. We just lost Nique. We just lost Manning and this guy could do nothing for us.

5. Cal Bowdler. Damn Babcock. This was a first round pick. We could have had Jeff Foster.

6. E. Email Robinson. His year was bad. Waiting on somebody to bring the ball up the floor Email would do it and then all the sudden fall out with a concussion every other play. He was supposed to be the "perfect compliment" to JT.

7. Doug "Doughboy" Edwards. Yuck.

8. "Big Balla" Ed Gray. Chillzatl's Alter ego. Ed Gray was a late first round pick who was supposed to replace Smitty. He was supposed to be silky smoove with the ball in his hands and strings everytime he shot it. Welp, He was a Babcock pick.

9. Blair Rassmussen. Well, before Koncak got really big.. there was Blair Rassmussen. B.R. was a sorry joker. I've never seen a 7 footer play 20-30 mpg and can't get you 5 rpg.

10. Rumeal Robinson. Actually, I think giving the right circumstance, RR would have done better than he did... but he still stunk up the joint.

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This is using the term High Profile very loosely.

That list seems closer to worst draft busts than high profile players. I think of high profile players as ones that are the team captains and co-captains.

Last year it would have been JJ, Al, and Smoove

Year before that Antoine Walker and Al.

Before that JT, Reef, and Theo.

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Dion Glover. He was also taken in the first round after suffering a knee injury while at Tech. One of his 'strengths' was supposed to be his athleticism but he never really had a chance to show it because he was so bad with his shot and handles. I could beat him in a game of H-O-R-S-E around the arc. Too bad Babs didn't think enough to look at other guys who were available like Foster, Devean George, Kenny Thomas, or that Kirilenko guy. I heard he was pretty good.

Alan Henderson. He brought style and grace...to courtside fashion because he rarely played after signing his extention. For all of the 'talent' that he had at IU, he never put up the numbers that his contract suggested that he would; not even close. Sure the Hawks had a lack of power players on the roster at the time he was drafted (Long and Lang were the only players 6'9" and over) but they would've been better served with Michael Finley.

Adam Keefe. How could we forget about this stiff? I was at the CNN Center when this fiasco took place. The folks there almost threw a riot over this one; even Babs and Kasten couldn't calm the masses down while Bob Weiss had a grin talking about how we would love him because he was a, get this, a 'below the rim type of player'. WTF??? Remember how loaded that draft seemed to be? Even though most of the crowd was screaming for Harold Minor (why???), I would've settled for Robert Horry, Anthony Peeler, hell, even Bryant Stith or p-whipped Doug Christie would've been better. But the underdog I was hoping was a guard from Alabama who I got to see rip my Vols apart up, close, and personal. Imagine Sprewell riding shotgun with Mookie back then; you wouldn't have been able to safely pass the ball anywhere around the perimeter. Instead, we all got to see a guy with a shorter vertical than most toddlers and even less game.

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We haven't had a wining season since that JR trade.

The brother had issues, character issues....what is he doing these days anyway? You cannot build a team around that kind of person, so the door was his destiny.

He was "accused" of kidnapping some girl a few months ago.

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Hard to see how Jon Koncak and Adam Keefe didnt make this initial list as both were top 10 picks and both were terrible!!!!

Be assured that they do, I guess Hendu just got under my skin more because he played very well and went south on us. Kack and Keefe were disappointments from day one.

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Dion Glover. He was also taken in the first round after suffering a knee injury while at Tech. One of his 'strengths' was supposed to be his athleticism but he never really had a chance to show it because he was so bad with his shot and handles. I could beat him in a game of H-O-R-S-E around the arc. Too bad Babs didn't think enough to look at other guys who were available like Foster, Devean George, Kenny Thomas, or that Kirilenko guy. I heard he was pretty good.

Alan Henderson. He brought style and grace...to courtside fashion because he rarely played after signing his extention. For all of the 'talent' that he had at IU, he never put up the numbers that his contract suggested that he would; not even close. Sure the Hawks had a lack of power players on the roster at the time he was drafted (Long and Lang were the only players 6'9" and over) but they would've been better served with Michael Finley.

Adam Keefe. How could we forget about this stiff? I was at the CNN Center when this fiasco took place. The folks there almost threw a riot over this one; even Babs and Kasten couldn't calm the masses down while Bob Weiss had a grin talking about how we would love him because he was a, get this, a 'below the rim type of player'. WTF??? Remember how loaded that draft seemed to be? Even though most of the crowd was screaming for Harold Minor (why???), I would've settled for Robert Horry, Anthony Peeler, hell, even Bryant Stith or p-whipped Doug Christie would've been better. But the underdog I was hoping was a guard from Alabama who I got to see rip my Vols apart up, close, and personal. Imagine Sprewell riding shotgun with Mookie back then; you wouldn't have been able to safely pass the ball anywhere around the perimeter. Instead, we all got to see a guy with a shorter vertical than most toddlers and even less game.

Deaven George? I always hear this guys name as if he's been some really productive NBA player. Really, he's no better than Dion... I bet the Lakers would love to get rid of him.

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Deaven George? I always hear this guys name as if he's been some really productive NBA player. Really, he's no better than Dion... I bet the Lakers would love to get rid of him.

Dallas signed him to a cheap 2 year deal. ESPN labeled George's signing as the best deal of this offseason in terms of bang for your buck.

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Deaven George? I always hear this guys name as if he's been some really productive NBA player. Really, he's no better than Dion... I bet the Lakers would love to get rid of him.

I think he signed with Dallas this summer.

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Deaven George? I always hear this guys name as if he's been some really productive NBA player. Really, he's no better than Dion... I bet the Lakers would love to get rid of him.

Dallas signed him to a cheap 2 year deal. ESPN labeled George's signing as the best deal of this offseason in terms of bang for your buck.

Well, that's ESPN for ya... Look at his numbers:


A swingman that shoots under 40% from the field. He's one of the those players that has got alittle hype over the years, but I haven't seen anybody that can point to what he does on the court that makes him worthwhile at the NBA level.

He doesn't shoot well, defend that great, rebound all that great, average ft shooter... What makes him such a bargin? I've seen this guy a decent number of times and all I see him do is miss shots.

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There was nothing wrong with the pick of Ed Gray. The problem was his coach! Poor Ed was destined to fail with Lenny Wilkins, that moldy old relic, running the show. Poor Ed had a sweet shot, he could get into the lane and he wasn't scared to take it to you. He would get put into the game and he would shine. He would hit shots, he would drive the basket and then Lenny would pull him. Hair slicked back, amrs crossed, lips pursed tight in disgust, Lenny wouldn't even look at him as Ed passed him on his way back to the bench. All Ed could do was wonder, "what did I do wrong???". Poor Ed stands as the greatest in a long line of players who fizzled because Lenny Wilkins couldn't figure out how to use unique talents who wouldn't do things EXACTLY the way he demanded they be done.

Lest you not forget, Ed Gray STILL holds the Hawks record for most points scored in an overtime (9pts). His legacy with the Hawks will never be overshadowed! 1000 years of Ed Gray!

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I can't come up with a top 10, but I have a top 6 or 7 for the truely "High profile" Hawks who dissapointed.

1. Jon Koncak

2. J.R. Rider

3. Danny Manning

4. Glenn Robinson

5. Christian Laettner

6. Alan Henderson




10. Shareef Abdur Rahim (yup he was good but he wasn't the savior he was suppose to be to give up 3players.

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