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My email to ASG RE: Saturday's replay


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Dear owners,

As frustrated as I am with the team's underperformance this year, especially in light of the revelation that the GM recognized the coaching situation as the problem and you all as the owners refused to act on it, I trust that their are elements of every decision that has been made that I do not understand. As a season ticket holder, I can't help but feel a bit slighted, but the rational side of me knows that I, as a fan and paying customer, do not have all the information that goes into making these decisions. It is with that that I have withheld overly criticizing the organization and continue to attend every game.

I, however, do feel it necessary to take the organization to task over the marketing of this Saturday's replay with Miami. I find it reprehensible that repeated negligence by the Hawks scoring table led to this NBA "punishment" in the form of a replay, and you all are trying to capitalize by marketing "witness NBA history" and selling "2 games in one night." In my mind, there has been no clearer indication that this ownership group is focused more on lining their pockets than on delivering a quality product (in terms of wins and losses). The fact that the NBA office took away a win should serve as a severe call to action for this organization, as the negligence of the Hawks organization (in this case the scorers) resulted in a revocation of the one thing we as fans and paying customers want most, wins. To see the ASG attempting to capitalize on the situation disgusts me and serves as a true indictment of the owners and their motivation.

This revelation into the driving forces behind how this organization is run will play a major role as I consider whether to renew my season tickets for next year.

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Let's keep in mind that these guys are business owners. They did not buy the Hawks to deliver a winning frnachise to the city and fans. They bought a business in hopes of making more money. That doesn't make them bad people. I suspect that Ted Turner earned a few extra bucks because of his deft management of the Braves (and Hawks) during the 80s. Ideally, we could get a winner and they could make some money at the same time. But until that time, I don't begrudge them taking every opportunity to make a buck. Sure, they're attempting to capitalize on their own incompetency. But what else do they have to sell but anything other than the actual basketball product, which is closing in on a 4th season of putrid performance.

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I'm a business owner as well, and I don't begrudge them for trying to make money. I would be very careful about the message I would be sending about me and my brand by trying to capitalize on my own incompetence. I certainly wouldn't try to diminish the reputation of my brand in order to earn a couple extra bucks. As a business owner, that's pretty short-sighted.

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I'm not totally folowing the outrage here. You don't need a an extra ticket for this game? The league gave them lemons and they are making lemonade. The Heat should have withdrawn this ridiculous protest the moment Shaq was traded. Riley deserves to be booed for the entire replay. The best we can hope for is the Heat get whipped twice but I have no confidence in that.

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When you consider that the Hawks are at fault and cost themselves a win (at least temporarily, if not permanently), they should come out apologetic to the fans, not trying to sell more based on it.

Some say the league is at fault here, but it's the Hawks that are at fault. Why not apologize to the fans, make public how you're going to correct the situation, appeal to the league...all things you should do to try to make the situation right. Are we saying that our opinion of the ASG is already so low that we don't expect them to do the right thing anymore?

I doubt that ANY business would do the same. Many realize that public perception counts more than selling an extra 1,000 tickets.

I'm not suggesting that they don't mention to show up early for the conclusion of the Dec. 19th game, but to shamelessly promote is wrong.

And to the poster who said I'm not having to buy an extra ticket. That's true for me, but not for the other several thousand fans (non-STH) on Dec. 19 who would have to now pay to see the conclusion of the game. That's not really my point with this whole thing, but it's another outcome.

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And when I say "shamelessly promote", I'm referring to the already 4 emails I've gotten to buy tickets for this "historic night." It's only historic because our scorers are historically bad.

You are completely right.

If anything they should be giving refunds to everybody who attended the Heat game, And/or a discount to Saturday's game.

The ASG are not the total joke that they are because they are greedy. Everybody involved in business is greedy, and it's not necessarily a bad thing... The ASG are a joke because they are absolutely clueless and incompetent.

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The ASG are not the total joke that they are because they are greedy

... The ASG are a joke because they are absolutely clueless and incompetent.

And this may be where I'm missing the mark. I was assuming it was a conscious decision, but perhaps they're too clueless to realize that this whole situation is their fault (not the NBA's) and they should man up and take the blame (rather than reap the benefits).

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Well at least we won't have to worry about screwing up the 3rd quarter in the first game.

Honestly, I don't blame them for selling the "extra game end" - but to call it "Historic" is bad form. Historic due to your own organization's incompetance? The rest of the league likely looks at us as dumb assed hicks. May as well play "Dixie" before the game and have the mascot running around the court with a rebel flag.

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Dear owners,

As frustrated as I am with the team's underperformance this year, especially in light of the revelation that the GM recognized the coaching situation as the problem and you all as the owners refused to act on it, I trust that their are elements of every decision that has been made that I do not understand. As a season ticket holder, I can't help but feel a bit slighted, but the rational side of me knows that I, as a fan and paying customer, do not have all the information that goes into making these decisions. It is with that that I have withheld overly criticizing the organization and continue to attend every game.

I, however, do feel it necessary to take the organization to task over the marketing of this Saturday's replay with Miami. I find it reprehensible that repeated negligence by the Hawks scoring table led to this NBA "punishment" in the form of a replay, and you all are trying to capitalize by marketing "witness NBA history" and selling "2 games in one night." In my mind, there has been no clearer indication that this ownership group is focused more on lining their pockets than on delivering a quality product (in terms of wins and losses). The fact that the NBA office took away a win should serve as a severe call to action for this organization, as the negligence of the Hawks organization (in this case the scorers) resulted in a revocation of the one thing we as fans and paying customers want most, wins. To see the ASG attempting to capitalize on the situation disgusts me and serves as a true indictment of the owners and their motivation.

This revelation into the driving forces behind how this organization is run will play a major role as I consider whether to renew my season tickets for next year.

GREAT EMAIL!!! super.gif

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