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Did anyone see that brawl in the stand in Detroit between the players and the fans? First time I've ever seen the fans actually fighting the players. If anyone sees the replay, watch the guy in the blue shirt with the hat. He gets Ron Artest in a headlock, and starts punching him in the head, then Artest turns around and Stephen Jackson comes over and they both start beating him down. Weren't Detroit fans supposed to be some of the best in the league?

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That was great

Here was my post on a different message board:


Artest fouled Wallace hard. Wallace retalliated by shoving him in the face. The teams got in each others faces but it wasn't too big of a deal. Just a lot of instigation.

Artest laid on the scorers' table. After about 5 minutes or so of laying there while the teams are arguing. A fan threw a bottle of beer on Artest. Artest and Stephen Jackson ran into the crowd and started fighting people.

Lots of fights were breaking out between fans and players. The crowd showered the Pacers with beer and popcorn as they walked off the court. Many of the Pacers players needed to be restrained.

I think this has to do more with the Pistons fans than anything. Certainly the reaction wasn't good but the fans were the cause of most of it.

The way it was looking, I'm surprised it didn't turn out worse than it did.

Some of the Pacers' players seemed so angry walking off the court. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some confrontations as they get on the team bus.

All of the while, Rasheed Wallace was the guy trying to calm everyone down.

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i cant help but think how this is going to be spun by the media...the nba's image wasn't the greatest to start with ~ being at the utmost of DStern's concerns and efforts. from kobe, to carmelo, to artest (album), to this...

it's happened in baseball, often recently. it's happened in hockey too...but the nba has the 'bad boy' image. this will only serve to hurt things...though it was largely teh fans at fault. esp. with artest...he was sitting there, trying his best to remain out of brawl, though certainly emotional, talking on the headset with a tv/radio station with eyes closed...and then fans went at him...the chair thrown by a fan on the floor at jermaine oneal?

there are no winners in this, it's a sad sad day.

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that video doesnt have the BEST PUNCH THROWN.

u see J ONEAL hit that one dude? talk about a bullseye!

i think the blame can go...

1)the FANS- unnecessary & childish behavior

2)alcohol- i bet u this wouldnt have happened if it wasnt for alcohol

3tie)Ben Wallace- as much as i love the dude, that foul was a "regular hard foul" at best. i know he was frustrated and all w/ the score, but c'mon- u cant let that happen

3tie)Pacers- fighting back, making the incident more than just an incident.

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what the hell? i cant believe that everyone is putting the blame on the fans...people need to stop sucking these players dicks, i mean there is absolutely NO justification for Artest and running up into the stands and going after that fan...so he threw a cup at him jesus get over it dude that happens in sports...you cant just go into the stands and try to kill somebody for it, and Stephen Jackson is an idiot im so glad the hawks got rid of him, Artest, Oneal, and Jackson should be suspended for the season

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what the hell? i cant believe that everyone is putting the blame on the fans...people need to stop sucking these players dicks, i mean there is absolutely NO justification for Artest and running up into the stands and going after that fan...so he threw a cup at him jesus get over it dude that happens in sports...you cant just go into the stands and try to kill somebody for it, and Stephen Jackson is an idiot im so glad the hawks got rid of him, Artest, Oneal, and Jackson should be suspended for the season

Yeah, I blame the fans for this bullcrap. This doesn't have anything to do with "sucking the players dicks". This is about ignorant people throwing things from the comfort zone of the stands, and thinking they are immune from an ass whooping. Artest and Jackson will be suspended, but I don't blame them for what happened. When you attend an event, any type of even, the fans need to learn to stay in their place. It's fine to talk trash, but when you start throwing things at players or on the court, you deserve everything that comes from it. And if you are stupid enough to come on the court and challenge a 6'8" 240lb athlete to a fight, then you deserve what you get. The only people I feel sorry for are the kids and elderly people who had to witness this dumb scene. The Detroit fans should be embarrassed.

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I feel that the fan was out of place in throwing the cup of beer but its really not that uncommon for players to have stuff thrown at them. In Phil its common for fans to throw batteries at baseball and football games. I could understand the reaction of the Pacers more if it had been something more than a cup of beer. What should have happened is that the staff and players went to the locker room ASAP. I think that Artest has got to go for 1-3 months its not the first time he has been in trouble before and Jackson needs to go for about a month and Oneal needs to be gone for the season. You cannot just reach out and sucker punch a fan like that. As far as the fans go any of them that were fighting and that started it need to be brought up on assult charges and spend a little time in jail. Oh yeah Ben needs a couple of games for starting a fight on the court.

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If it hurts anyones image, it will be ron artest. Who didn't have an image worth mentioning anyway. Don't get me wrong, I know he didn't "start it". But someone in his position, it's his resposibility to act like an adult and a professional. Throughout his entire career, he has done the exact opposite. He's acted like a hot-headed child and last night was no different.

The best part of it is that Artest goes into the stands thinking "I'm Ron Artest, i'm going to whip somebody" and he ends up getting popped in the head. Big bad, thuggin wanna-be rapper gets popped in the face by "some guy off the street". From what you can tell from all the replays, the guy he and jackson went after, wasn't even the guy who threw the beer on him.

They should both be suspended for a LONG time, if not the entire season.

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The guy that came onto the court and tried to start something, he got what he deserved. The guy that Artest jumped in and started hitting, right before he got jacked upside his ignorant head, that guy didn't do anything wrong.

To lay blame on the fans, is ridiculous. Fans throw stuff in every sport. It's the players responsibility to act like adults and professionals. It's not like someone slapped his mother. He had a beer thrown on him. A BEER....

But I guess ARtest is a true rapper. I mean, he was disrespected right? Someone had to be put down right? Give me a break. Artest should consider himself lucky that the poor guy he charged after wasn't one of the many people out there who CAN take care of themselves. I wouldn't feel one bit sorry for him if he'd grabbed someone who knew what to do and they snapped his shoulder/elbow/wrist, or worse.

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being hit with a cup of beer is not exactly life threatening and i dont think running into the stands to kick a guys ass for hitting you with a beer is exactly " self defense" as Artest put it...the disgraceful thing about it is seeing Artest, Oneal, and Stephen Jackson, 3 Huge guys just sucker punching fans left and right...Stephen Jackson was ready to fight the detroit team even before the fight with fans broke out, that guys is an idiot, theres no place for people like that in professional sports, and come on i mean Artest is a nutcase everybody knows that...those guys are trash and should be kicked out of the league

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But I guess ARtest is a true rapper. I mean, he was disrespected right? Someone had to be put down right? Give me a break. Artest should consider himself lucky that the poor guy he charged after wasn't one of the many people out there who CAN take care of themselves. I wouldn't feel one bit sorry for him if he'd grabbed someone who knew what to do and they snapped his shoulder/elbow/wrist, or worse.

THANK YOU...haha that was awesome what you wrote right there dude

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No fanatic has the right to throw anything at anyone. Someone throw a beer today and it's rock tommorrow. Fans are a chaotic mob when they think that nothing will happen to them. When I lived in Europe I never went to a soccor match because of fans throwing bottles and 2x4's. In Italy they stabbed a ref.

I cheer players for letting fans know that they will be respected at their job. If I came to your job and threw a cup of water on you, what would you do. And don't say their public figures, their still human and are at WORK! So for you PLAYER HATERS who think that just because someone has more money and talent than you, come throw a cotton ball at me and see what you get(be warned I can handle myself).

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haha youre an idiot...player haters? no sir...thug haters, you must be a rapper too, you seem to think you can " handle yourself" and you would fight if someone threw a cotton ball on you, you must be a really tough guy, a real Charles Bronson...haha you suck, i hate people like you, people like you are the problem with the world today, you should go to church...learn by the teachings of christ...turn the other cheek, look the other way, no need to be violent...

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3 Huge Guys throwing sucker punches - Give me a break!

Those fans got what they deserved. None of the punches Jackson, Artest, and O'Neal threw were sucker punches.

Was it fair when a guy was sucker punching Artest in a headlock or when he was getting held back by fans as they threw drinks in his face? Jackson was sticking up for his teammate. As was O'Neal.

F' those fans. They acted like animals! When the players were walking back to the locker room throwing everything and anything at them. I guess that is cool too, right? There were women and men doing it. Ridiculous.

You may get upset at those players. However, I ask you what would have you done? You say no big deal if someone throws a beer on you, what would you do? I have a hard time beleiving you would walk away. If you did, you probably don't have any sac. Any person would stand up for themselves because it is uncalled for.

Did I think the players went overboard, of course I did. Yet, I don't blame them. Those fans were throwing more sucker punches and cheap shots than any players.


By the way I love how chubby who ran on to the court laid out by Artest. Then chubby got up and got laid out by O'Neal. Sit your ass down fatso .

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you love seeing people get laid out? the point i have been trying to make is that there is no need to run into the stands and try to kick a fans ass for throwing a cup of beer...im not saying that just because they are fans...or any of that, for anybody to fight if its not self defense is just wrong, would i fight over that? no...at rock concerts ive been hit by bottles, rocks, ive been kicked in the freaking mouth but you dont have to fight, it doesnt solve anything it only causes more problems...as it did at the game, and running into the stands to start a fight like that is very wrong and they shuold be punished accordingly

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Don't you think the fans should have turned the other cheek? It should work both ways before you just blame the players.

For a guy that loves the teachings of the bible, you should pick up the bible and read it. I doubt it says to hate someone. I believe it says love thy brother. So why do you have to hate on people?

Just my opinion, but I will leave between you and gambit99.


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I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished. I'm just saying it didn't bother me that they went up into the stands to handle their business. Was it uncalled for? Yes. Oh well, maybe the fans will think twice next time they throw something on to the court.

Hell, I would have tried to break it up. Secretly I would probably hope that I got knocked in the face myself. That way I would sue these players and get somehting out of it.


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