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Your going to be kissing BK's @ss in 2 years


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I'm not sure what hte point of this post is...except a feeble attempt to 'create talk' or get guys to come out and 'definitely' state their stance on BK...

you know what?

most of them are going to be either supportive or 'reserved optimism'.

does the fact that Drob's contract has a TO this year (if true) make the move a better one, thereby enhancing his stature as an astute GM?

what are you trying to get at?

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I hate Pete Babcock because he is an idiot, not because he is white.

I'm having a bad day, but that helped out a bunch right there...

Seriously, it's not just about "knowing basketball" anymore. You have to understand the finances as well. Luckily, Knight seems to understand both facets of NBA GM-ing.

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Why are you taking it personally?

Who said anything about BHD?

Seriously, though, I like BK and will never argue with your praises of him (though I probably wouldn't call him a *genius*). I never said I didn't like him. I also believe that he was responsible for the rise of the Grizz. Who can argue with that?

I also detest Pete Babcock and will not argue with your assessment of him.

I'm just taking a shot at you because your posts tend to contain some sort of W/B implication. grin.gif

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Damn Ya'll got senitive around here. I am not the least bit upset.

I actually thought your post was funny besides I take pride in being Hawksquawks #1 suspected racist. You should have been around for the old fights, before chillz got all PC, and started deleting everything that resembled a fight.

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I like BK - I think he has it right, that it takes athletic freaks to win. There are great college players who will have no shot at the NBA. But guys with freaky hops, can be developed right out of high school if they work hard.

I think BK wants to put 5 guys on the floor who all have 7 ft wingspans, which will shut down passing lanes, create lots of turnovers, and get lots of transition baskets. I think that's a winning idea.

BK seems to have a plan to build the team with a certain type of player. I'm on board. (I'd say "I'm down with that", but I'm an old white guy)

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how can u judge BKs moves?

he got rid of big contracts (ratliff, abdur-rahim, etc) in hopes that we'll be good in the future.

however, if we're not good in the future- that whole move was POINTLESS!

we cant judge BK until we see the BIG PICTURE. We all know he made sacrifices in hopes that we'll be better off in the long run.

it's like judging a movie after watching the 1st half of the movie. You gotta watch the whole thing before you can critique the film.

same thing here. if KNIGHT gets us 3 high draft picks but selects all the wrong players- wats the point in having those 3 high draft picks?

i think you guys get the picture. lets give him some time to prove himself.

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Josh Smith and Josh Childress are going to have

to make a h*llva lot of improvements for that

to be possible. JC has played better, but he

has a long way to go and Josh Smith hasn't looked

very good lately. He took alot of bad shots and

made lots of bad passes tonight. The Hawks will

have to get alot more talent and a new coach

before they can even start to think about

turning the corner. It's going to be 3-5 years

atleast. 2 years?LMAO

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This is my first time posting on here. And I dont agree with your assesment. The future seems bright if a few details happen but if the hawks organization keep making trades like the one they just did with Walker and getting nothing definite for him they will always be a loosing organization.

If you digest this trade the hawks got nothing in return for walker. Even the draft pick the Hawks need to hope for something to happen. Take this into consideration have u ever heard any of these winning organizations (Lakers, Dallas, Spurs, Pistons, Pacers, Houston to name a few) trading their star player for another then releasing him. If they knew he would never play a game why get him i mean Tony Allen, Ricky Davis, Mark Blount all seem considerable upgrades to what the hawks have, could not of been involved in this trade???? The Hawks got players that Boston was not even playing. And they get a starter in walker who was having a better year than any player on the Boston club up to that trade.

All Im mad about is to me it seem Hawks did not get back fair value for walker. But in the past this seems like a trend the Hawks are taking. ala Glenn Robinson, Shareef Abdur, Theo Ratliff, Jason Terry all these players are very valuable to theri current teams and the Hawks have nothing to show for them.

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No you miss the whole point of the trade. The whole point of the trade was to give our young players more time to develop. To me, none of those second tier stars like Reef, JT, Big Dog, and Toine have fit this team. You need to develop the young talent to fit the system that your team is working with. You can't just plug holes with second tier stars. And in some cases you can't even with first tier stars. Philly isn't exactly doing well with CWebb. I think the only player that could make an impact anywhere he goes is Shaq Diesel.

With the trade of Toine going down the way it did, we have the potential to get maybe two draft picks this year, more importantly we have time for Chill , Smoove, and Donta to develop, and we can see what we have in our young talent moving forward and see what pieces we need to make our system work.

Toine just wasn't a fit to me. I think that despite our losing most of the games since Toine left, we have been more competitive than in the same size sample of games prior to the Toine trade simply because we're playing as a team instead of individuals.

The games we played best with Toine were when he deferred imo. When he was a team guy.

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glenn robinson is valuable to his current team? he can't even get off the IL even tho he isn't injured...

shareef valuable to his current team? they are playing him as a backup and are going to lose him for nothing...

theo got his contract raise and is now playing much worse...

jt is thriving, but that's in dallas' offense...they don't need him to play d...

we got smoove out of the sar/theo trade...portland got sar who is leaving them and overpaid theo...

we got rid of grob, who philly also got rid of for nothing...and NOLa will let him go for nothing as well...

we got back a pick...maybe this year, maybe next year...but it's still a pick...we also get to play al at pf to see if we should extend him by october or trade him...we also get to move smoove to his sf position and give chill 30+mpg...and our team is scoring more than ever since walker left!...and playing more team ball

the facts:

grob/theo/sar/jt weren't even getting us to the playoffs

walker got us TEN wins in over 40 games...

these guys aren't the answer...saying we should keep them is a babcock move...bk is looking to the future and is building a team correctly...from scratch, through draft and young FA, without overpaying...our team has ZERO bad contracts

notice we led the way most of the mil/philly/boston games and lost by only a few points...we are FINE without walker...

ppg for season: 90.8

ppg since trade: 91.7

opp's ppg for season: 100.03

opp's ppg since trade: 100.57

9.23 vs 8.87 differential...we are actually better since the trade...

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If the Hawks want Walker they can sign him in the off season. They made the trade to get a #1 draft pick, and give PT for the Josh's. Childress especially would defer to Walker and his 24 shot attempts per night. Now we see Childress taking more shots, and Al taking the leadership role. We could have got more, perhaps, but we got fair value for a 30 game rental of Walker.

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