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Woodson was against a Darko Trade


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When you are competing for a championship, you can't worry about showcasing tradeable assets. You do everything to maximize your chances of winning.

oh come on now

they would still be in 1st even if they played him 15mpg...even if he cost them 3-4 wins this year, that wouldn't hurt their championship chances...as soon as miami went without shaq for awhile and indy had no artest for awhile, they locked the home court advantage...so all they are playing for now is to have the best record in the league for finals home court...however, playing him more mins, especially earlier in games with leads, wouldn't really have hurt their record...if they lost the lead with him in it, they'd still have the 2nd half to play their game and win

but if he's really decent, then he prolly wouldn't hurt them THAT much being in there

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woody would give diaw several dnp-cd after he'd have a great game...diaw would be aggressive and score double digits and help us win or come back and then not play for 2-3 games...THAT'S how woody hurt diaw...THAT'S why diaw was not gonna re-sign here and considered leaving us for France

so yes, woody does get some blame...diaw does as well for not shooting enough...but we'd have a better and more aggressive diaw if woody hadn't toyed with his mins like that...and we may have been able to get jj for diaw/bos and not have to throw in our pick if diaw had gotten the consistent pt and shown that he was a good player

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I remember when some of the fans on this board were griping about Boris's so called in ability to play in an up tempo style game. They were saying that Boris slows the action down.

Woody played Boris at five positions in attempt to get him to do something. It seemed like Boris did exactly the opposite of everything Woody told him to do.

Now, Boris is out in Phoenix in an up tempo style offense doing the things that Woody was trying to get him to do.

I think this is clearly more on Boris than it is Woody. Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, Josh Childress, Royal Ivey, and a few other young guys have had no problem fitting in to what Woody wants them to do.

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I thought Diaw sucked myself especially for a number 20 pick. I have no problem with disposing of him in the JJ trade. The ATL Spirit did what they had to do. I hope they continue. Diaw would never flourish under this system, game plan or team. I am suprised at his success because I thought he was sooooooooo bad.

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Not only do we have Woody's judgment to draw on, we also have Herb Brown, who saw Darko up close and personal for a year, and Herb also talks to brother Larry quite frequently. We may have been in a better position than any other team to judge Darko (outside of Detroit).

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I saw something pretty funny today.

Chad Ford says that if Darko had stayed overseas and not entered the draft that he would surely be the Number 1 pick now.

I like most of Fords stuff but he overrates the euros so much it is a joke. People buy into it here because they don't see them play. If they saw them play then people would pick them apart just like they do the top college players.

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I agree with Ford from this perspective.

NBA GMs are willing to draft the unknown.

That's why Darko went ahead of Wade and Mello.

That's why Williams went ahead of Paul.

That's why for a while, HSers dominated the draft...

The less that your game can be picked apart, the better...

I think many of the Euro players have the luxury of staying overseas and playing against lesser competition and never having their games picked apart the same way that many college players will. I think Stern's new rule will help end the guess work in getting these HSers... But at the same time, there needs to be something done about EURO players.

Because there will be another Darko. Another Highly publicized great Euro player that comes over and washes out.

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I think that was the main motivation all along. GM's kept making expensive mistakes.

He's made no secret that it's that, and having less players learning the game. He would prefer a 20 year old age limit. The NBA should be for the best players in the world, not players hoping to become the best

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