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Sothron, Any interest from the Hawks in Jack?


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Just curious. Did anyone who bashed Sothron have the balls to actually contact Jay Walker?

LOL, Just curious, are there internet gangsters on the Squawk we should be afraid of? This is pretty close to being completely anonymous, so why does doing anything here take balls?

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Just curious. Did anyone who bashed Sothron have the balls to actually contact Jay Walker?

LOL, Just curious, are there internet gangsters on the Squawk we should be afraid of? This is pretty close to being completely anonymous, so why does doing anything here take balls?

It's too late to go photo fishing.

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THE Last time Ron was here, Walker posted two or three times but none in defense of Ron?

I don't know the relationship. Don't really care. I just think that unlike Ron, when Walker said stuff, there were some characteristics about it:

1. They were true.

2. They were given in a humble, classy way.

3. They were not manipulative.

That's my problem with Ron. He may be an insider... however, you can decide to be a David Aldrich, Sekou Smith or you can be like Peter Vecsey or Sam Smith...

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How many times did J-Walker claim that ESPN was contacting him behind the scenes because he was so important? How many times did J-Walker discuss that guys like Chad Ford were ripping him off and giving him no credit?

In general when someone keeps tooting their own horn you need to get the BS detector out. Guys who really have info like J-Walk are secure enough in their own knowledge that they don't need to keep reminding everybody about their worth.

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HS is becoming more and more like talk radio. There has to be controversy, hype, some b.s. to get people interested. Making provacative statements. Problem is that there is no conscience in talk radio (or news media, or politics, etc). People will say anything to get the pub.

My hope is that HS does not follow down that same path which means each of us to be responsible in what we do and say.

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I heard that several people wanted the stuff whether it was true or untrue. That is how BS rumors get started and spread and if there is not truth in something I'm not sure why anyone would want it.

If this board is so desperate for good discussion that lies and untruths are the only way to generate good discussion then everybody's in trouble.

This site doesn't need an "insider" to have value. Especially when the insider isn't delivering even an ounce of news.

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So it sounds like no one made the effort to contact Jay which was the most direct route to verify whether Sothron had inside sources who were feeding information or whether he was fabricating his posts.

I can't understand that when people were so upset that they were willing to bog down the board for everyone else with redundant and annoying "parody" threads and were willing to run off a long-time poster. Jay previously vouched for Sothron and said nothing about him one way or the other after that (in his dozen or so total posts on this site).

If people had the time to repeatedly post and start new threads about this how did no one have time to contact Jay?

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Why pull Jay into something that the whole board saw as unnecessary. Jay left Hawks reporting for various reasons. If Jay wanted to get involved and Vouch for Ron, he would have done it when he posted about that Friday special...

Here's the bottom line....

If you're an insider, prophet, prophetess, medium, psychic, person with an extra sensitive sense of awareness, analytic, cerebral, clairvoyant, metaphysical, horoscopologist, mystic, seer, psychogenic,crystal ball reader, telekinetic, fortune telling, telepathic, etc... then let your predictions, anticipations, auguries, conjecturings, divinations, forecasts, fortune-tellings, guesses, horoscopes, hunches, omens, palmistries, presages, previsions, prognostications, prophecies, etc speak for you.

If you claim to be any of these things then you don't need somebody else to vouch for you... YOUR fruit will speak and validate your claim. What good is a insider if their information is manipulated, tainted, or just wrong??

Being on the inside does not validate your character!

In fact, we can stipulate that Ron is an insider. From now on, we can call him insideRon. However, what nobody can stipulate...no matter how many pictures he post... is the goodness of his character. In one voice he says he's an insider.. in the next he says that he passes on false information to satisfy his source.


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My two cents is asking Jay never really mattered.

Ron's two big shining examples to prove himself were that media people called him and Jay could say he had a source.

1) My example before was if I say someone is shooting the president and the secert service calls me does that mean I really know anything? No it just means they read what you wrote and are curious proves nothing.

2) Ron has always claimed Jay can verify his source. Thats fine I have never doubted that Ron may know somebody, but that proves nothing. Jay can say he introduced him to someone, but Jay could never verify that Ron isn't making this stuff up. If a mutual friend introduces me to Arthur Blank, and then I go on a Falcons board saying I know an insider well thats true. But then if I post my opinions and what I think will happen, but use the clause well I know somebody what does that prove? Then I can just have you ask my friend that introduced us to confirm I know him, but it doesn't prove I actually get inside info.

I know two things:

1) Jay never posted stuff that would hurt the make up of the team, and never admitted to posting false information to make a source happy(which makes nosense, because it makes that source look unrealible and hard to believe in the future). That and EVERYTHING JAY POSTED ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

2) Not a single thing Ron has posted has come true, he is 0-7.

So how did a source that gave Jay 100% correct information all of sudden get so bad? Probably because the rely of that message is creating his own fantasy land.

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1. Rick Adelman asking if he could coach the Hawks this offseason even though the ASG had already publicly stated that Woodson was coming back.

2. Josh Smith for Biedrins?

3. The Hawks players are tanking to get Woodson fired.

4. The Blazers contacted us to find out if we would trade the 3rd pick.

The above 4 things were what Sothron claimed to have "broke". These were by his own admission. Call me crazy, but I don't see anything there. You do???

This kind of info has ESPN knocking on his door? Yeah, sure.

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I have never had a problem with people doubting Sothron's claims.

The two things that bothered me were:

(1) Sothron gave people an accessible source who he claimed would verify his posts and no one bothered to check it.

(2) People bogged down the whole board with repetitive and annoying posts instead of just making their point and moving on.

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1. Rick Adelman asking if he could coach the Hawks this offseason even though the ASG had already publicly stated that Woodson was coming back.

According to what Sothron said you would not expect anything to break.


2. Josh Smith for Biedrins?

What do you expect to come out of a report that Atlanta rejected this offer? If the trade was rejected, it wouldn't subsequently "come true" by happening.


3. The Hawks players are tanking to get Woodson fired.

He claimed that this was discussed by several players who approached more key members of the team about tanking. He didn't say that JJ/JS agreed to tank. Again, this is a very difficult thing to verify because (a) what he said can be 100% true and the players just decide against tanking and (b) what he said could be true and hard to see, much like point shaving (i.e., JJ could be tanking right now and it would just appear to be a slump).

Or it could just not be true. The point is that it is hard to tell.


4. The Blazers contacted us to find out if we would trade the 3rd pick.

Again, this was a report of a rejected offer. Not sure what you expected to see outside of the Portland GM saying "We are glad to have Oden but sure wish Atlanta would have traded us their #3 pick."

* * *

Bottomline, is that I can certainly see complaining about these items that they are impossible to verify or don't make sense. However, I don't see how anyone can complain because there was no clear sign that they were true when 3 of the 4 would not produce anything noticeable and the fourth would be tricky to prove (if true) at best.

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