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Dwight Howard wants to be a HAWKS?


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@NottyDred: Word on the street is @DwightHoward wants out of Orlando 2 go.....home? ATL may finally garner a star. Article coming soon.

I know you all might not know him but he word with the 2 live Stews and now writes for tnspsportsnet.com Oh and he's a very big Hawk fan. lol

From what I know of him is he doesn't just start random rumors.

I know I tweet Dwight once or twice a week; most of the times after a Hawks win or a Magic loss.

I've been asking him to be the Anti-LeBron. Leave your current team to play for your home team.

I also tweeted to him, “if you were with the Hawks they could have 4 All-Star easily.”

I don't know if my tweets have been working but if he comes to the Hawks.... I WILL BE TAKING ALL THE CREDIT LOL

Edited by Brotha2ThaNite
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If there is any truth to it, the Hawks should be looking to move anyone other than Al and Josh to make it work. A frontcourt of Smith, Al and Dwight could very well =NBA Title.

Sorry but I'm happy with Jason Collins and Zaza.

Thanks Nine. I needed a good laugh.

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If there is any truth to it, the Hawks should be looking to move anyone other than Al and Josh to make it work. A frontcourt of Smith, Al and Dwight could very well =NBA Title.

If the Magic go to S&T Howard, I would trade anyone on our team for him. Dwight + Al or Josh would be great. All three would be even better, of course, but to get the best center in the league you'd have to give up some real value as well because there is no way we will have the cap room to sign him as a FA.

I'd put this in the wishful thinking category but I'd sure want Smoove and others planting a bug in his ear about it. If the players can coordinate and plan these types of moves like Wade, Lebron & Bosh did, we should try to do the same for as long as it takes the NBA to stop this type of collusion.

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I could see a S&T involving Joe plus whatever to bring Dwight here. Orlando's not exactly unfamiliar with eating big contracts.


Orlando's roster seems a lot more perimeter oriented than interior oriented right now outside of Dwight. I can't see that unless Orlando is in a position where they just have to make the deal to get some value for their superstar.

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Orlando's roster seems a lot more perimeter oriented than interior oriented right now outside of Dwight. I can't see that unless Orlando is in a position where they just have to make the deal to get some value for their superstar.

And that could very well end up being the case as we've seen guys like Carmello and Deron put their teams in a position where they didn't want to wait for free agency and risk losing a star player for nothing. Given that scenario, I could see where Joe would be offered instead of Josh or Al.

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If Orlando finds themselves in a similar situation as Utah did with Deron Williams they would be insane not to entertain offers from the Hawks. JJ would probably be 1st on the list.

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It will def cost us Josh and or Al. To get Howard is worth it. We'll see. If it is during free agency then we will have to dump some contracts to make it happen

I don't know. I tend to think if the Hawks had ownership and management that were creative and thought more long term than short, they might be able to get him without losing Josh or Al. Sigh.

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If Orlando finds themselves in a similar situation as Utah did with Deron Williams they would be insane not to entertain offers from the Hawks. JJ would probably be 1st on the list.

That presents an interesting scenario. Are we better with:












and Crawford on the bench?

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