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Dwight eliminates Atlanta, will be signing with Houston


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#even the Hawks fans knew this was coming.A few people have said he doesn't feel comfortable back home. He is still a prodigal sowing his wild oats. He has to hit a low point before he wants to come back.

...and when he does, I hope he has never won a damn thing and we're playing for a title. And we tell him..."we'll let you know by July 10th if you're in consideration."

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Trade Josh for first round picks only. We don't want trash like Asik or Lin or any other trash on their roster.

If we could trade Josh Smith for simply picks, that would mean the team we'd be trading him could simply sign him outright, correct? So he'd be doing us a favor to the detriment of his new team?

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I'm usually not a spiteful person, but I really hope this blows up in his face. Houston still hasn't traded Lin and Asik unless LAL has agreed to do a SnT. Houston doesn't have a viable PF and Harden is Kobe 2.0. I understand the choice, but at the same time I don't. At least the Lakers are getting f'd in this as well. Time to give Bynum, Peks, and Z-Pac all phone calls. Iggy also off the table. Smoove is now the top free agent left, probably will end up in Houston too.

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