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What are your thoughts on alleged Johnson swap


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I just wanted to know what yall thought about the swap. It looks like Atl is gonna give him the 5 year 70 million dollar deal, with the 20 mill in the first. I'm wondering if ATL gave him that deal in the first place, would phoenix have matched. I know if you make this trade you are sure to get the player you want. But to max him out and trade a servicable player and 2 draft picks (lottery protected or not) is alot. I guess they really beleive in joe and didnt want to essentially bring out the same team (with the same holes) this year that they had last year. This is a big risk for Atlanta (money and player/draft pick wise). But sometimes you gotta roll the dice. I Hope everything works out.

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Phoenix would have matched if Johnson wanted to stay. Any player that asks to go to a lesser team for the same money you have to wonder about his motivations. Does he want to play for you and what is he going to be like on the floor. Obviously Johnson felt like he couldnt stand out in the Sun's lineup. I think restricted free agency when you have a player like Johnson in a winning situation shows what motivates the player.....money. The Hawks will get a good player, but is he worth 70 million in the Hawks current situation?

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yea for the hawks (right now)- its definitely a good move. we're a bad team w/ a bad reputation (franchise).

we're gonna have to overpay for players (superstars or not). so might as well overpay for a VERY GOOD PLAYER, rite?

we're a franchise that espn loves to make fun of... we have to send a message out there that ATLANTA is a team that wants to COMPETE.

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I am very excited Joe Johnson will be in an Atlanta Hawks uniform next year. I think that a backcourt of him and Childress will be a big matchup problem for other teams. He will represent us in the All Star game this year, and hopefully take us to the playoffs this season. As far as a Center goes I think we should sign Steven Hunter this year and let him start, and then make a run at someone like Ben Wallace in FA next year or use a draft pick on a Center.

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Hawks gave up too much... When you look at you have

given up:

2 1st rounders

Boris Diaw

5 million exception

and of course Joe gets the big contract. That's alittle

to much to give up for Joe Johnson.

What are the positives?

-You get a swingman that can play the 2/3 aswell PG

for short times.

-Getting him is positive in that the Hawks get a bigger

name player that (or so we here) wanted to play for

the Hawks. It sure can't hurt for the future.

-Hawks lineup is closer to being ready to start pushing

for the playoffs in 2 or 3 years.

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"2 1st rounders

Boris Diaw

5 million exception"

- from what i understand- we are WAY under the cap. that 5 million does us little to no good. of all the remaining reagents- other than curry/chandler, no one deserves more than 5 million a year (maybe Jaric/Walker). we all know that Bulls with match for Chandler and that Walker wont be here next season. so BEST CASE SCENARIO- we get curry + jaric (assuming both want to be here). its possible to get both w/o using our 5 million exception.

- Boris Diaw- i hate to say this cuz i really like the guy. but hes nothing but a trade filler as of this point in his career. at best, he'll thrive in a situation like San Antonio doing his best Bruce Bowen imitation (a player w/ good stuff, w/o much stats).

- and for the 2 lotteryprotected picks. at the end of the first round, ur drafting role players (more Boris Diaws). maybe 1 Josh Howard will be there, but like i said- role players. no allstars.

i think its a FAIR trade for both teams.

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I am very concerned about giving up so much for a talented player that will be asked to switch positions.

JJ had a very good year as a SG but we are not SURE that he can man the Point.

There are risks and there are major leaps of faith...I think that this trade is a major leap of faith on the part of BK. Giving away TWO first rounders, a decent player and a mid level exemption should land you a star.

If JJ can not excell as a PG, the entire deal is nothing but a mess. We lose cap space and draft picks....not good for a building franchise.

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Yes he avg 17 ppg with the Suns last year, but that was with a team that opposing teams put more attention on Nash, Amare and Matrix. Nash penetrates defense reacts and leaves JJ wide open for three, we dont have that, as a matter of fact he is going to be the PG

I really hope that BK sees something special in Joe, and he doesnt pan out to be a bust. Something also, now FA's might want to sign with us because JJ coming and all the talent we have in our team....maybe that center we desperately need Curry or possibly Hunter for cheap or both.

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If that is the case, then why has Joe Johnson played his best when Steve Nash and Amare Stoudamire were off the floor? When Nash was off the floor, Johnson was setting the offense.

Also, why was Phoenix 3-4 in the seven games Johnson missed during the playoffs if he was only good because of the attention Amare, Steve, and Shawn got?

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I think front loading JJ's contract is a good thing as it will mean his salary will not escalate considerably in later years when the Hawks need to sign Smoove, Childress, etc.

I think JJ will work out at the point for the next year or two since the team will not be that good anyway, but once the team is ready to make a playoff run they will have to find someone who can dictate pace more then JJ. Maybe he will prove me wrong on that, but history is not on his side (i.e., alot of uber talented wings with point guardesque skills have been better as wings then points: Jalen Rose, Jamal Crawford, Penny Hardaway, LeBron James, Steve Smith, etc.).

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I think the deal is really good for Joe Johnson. He must know how Allan Houston feels.

I think for us, we gave up a guy that was not cutting it and 2 picks that are lottery protected... It's a good deal for us because we lack talent and personality. With JJ, we get both. He wants to be the face of the Hawks and I think he will be it this year... BUT I don't think he should get used to being the face...

I think the Suns win out too. They get 2 picks. Even though they are lottery protected, the picks will still be good by virtue of the new age limit.. I think the new age limit will mean that players will have better fundamentals... Also, for Phoenix, the picks could enhance their ability to have a dynasty. Say what you want, Phoenix has a lot of good young talent. I suspect if they don't trade for anybody, that Dijon Thompson will step up and fill in some of the load left by JJ. I also think that Raja Bell will be a defensive blessing.

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I don't think JJ will get the open looks he got in Phoenix. Let's be honest, Al is not Amare.

What I think will happen is that Al's game will pick up and so will Smoove's...

Our team should be a running team. Without us running, we barely have any advantages.

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That trade exemption came to them from the NBA, not from Atlanta. They recieve it because they gave up more than

they got in return.

We gave them Diaw. We gave two draft picks, lottery protected. BK got the player that he wanted. {So did

most of us}

Draft picks weren't going to do us any good this coming

season. Diaw, talented swingman, was hunting playing time

on our team. He wasn't really a scoring player, regardless

of what position he played. He has played all five

for us, at least for a few minutes, from the point to


JJ makes the Hawks better NOW! Later, we may really miss

those two lottery protected draft picks. Maybe not.

JJ wanted to come here. Atlanta wanted him to come here.

Coming here, he now makes the Hawks a more desireable

team to play for, I believe, and will make it easier

for us to sign other players.

We still aren't through. There is still the problem of

a center or two and another point guard. But, at last

we can quit complaining that nothing is happening for

Atlanta. We are not just running around, waving all

that money that MUST be spent to come up to the minimum

annual payroll for the NBA, hoping to entice someone

to come and play here.


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I LOVE the addition of JJ to the team. I think he will bring leadership and create nightmares defensively, not to mention we are acquiring someone who shot 48% from behind the arc. My only concern is this. The draft picks I can live with, as they are lottery protected. I personally hope we lose them ASAP! (meaning we have arrived). However I really hate giving up Diaw. Now, I know I may get berated for this, but I really think we gave up on him too fast. I think he can develop to be an all around player if the right position is found. From the games I watched, I did see flashes. I just think he plays soft. I think if he plays tougher, he can be a servicable player. But anyways, that is my $.002. GO HAWKS! Now if we can somehow bring in Magloire, Curry, or Chandler....

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True, I myself and others here have said that Diaw is and can be a very good player, he has all the tools, strong body, 6'8 great handles, his shot is getting better each and every day, rebounds well, plays great defense....BUT his question mark is toughness....he is not a tough player and is very soft. Thats why he is getting traded. BK did a great job on scouting Diaw, because he can do it all, but he is just too soft and afraid too shoot. Maybe as he gets older he becomes more aggressive, but if we had kept our patience we would of lost on JJ.

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First and foremost, BK is a draft guy. It's his speciality as far as what is to be expected of a GM. He loves the draft and feels that's the best way to acquire talent. He's also coming in behind Babcock...whose lack of vision and glorious faliures in the draft seemingly sent our entire franchise down to the CBA - nobody knew we existed. Would Knight REALLY be foolish enough to make a deal with draft picks that could be as horrendous as some of you imply?

That being said...

The biggest issue here is not what we gave up in the trade. Make no mistake the biggest issue is with Johnson's salary in respect to his performance. I've been reading the Sun's boards and they said it best. By giving him that max contract, it doesn't matter what he's done. He has been by default cast into the upper tier of players in the league. It doesn't really matter if Johnson can play point or not. If he earns every drop of that paycheck, we can always deal him or something else to make room - and still make out like bandits. If he does not, then what we have is an Alan Houston situation on our hands for the next 5 years.

Now... These draft picks are going to be lottery protected. Joe is worth Boris and a mid 1st. If either plays out to it's potential, could they really be worth that much more than Joe right now? Let alone if he completely blows up for us... At the very least Joe for Boris/mid 1st is a wash. But it isn't. Joe is worth MORE. Adding another lottery protected 1st makes it a bit more even. But should either of those picks play out to be what mid 1sts usually become, which is very likely, then this deal is STILL a steal for us. If Joe goes on to be an Allstar...pfft. Then this deal ranks closely behind Nique and Deke's.

Furthermore, BK knows what he's doing. He knows where the sweet spot in the draft is. These players may be a little better off for the age limit, but it really doesn't change the structure of the draft. It has always been the same, even in the sweetest drafts in history...the best players are taken high and after the lottery, you may find a steal or two.

And Boris? Good player. Could end up being pretty good next to Nash. But you can pick up that kind of potential any day of the week through FAcy and trades. Not a loss by any stretch.

This is a good deal. We should only be concerned about Joe's salary, regardless of this experiment with him at the point, if he cannot perform like the upper echelon of players in this league.

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If he earns every drop of that paycheck, we can always deal him or something else to make room - and still make out like bandits. If he does not, then what we have is an Alan Houston situation on our hands for the next 5 years.

Even if he doesn't play up to salary, it's nowhere near as bad as having the 2nd highest paid player in the league (19+ mil) who doesn't even play. At worst, we would have a Carlos Boozer situation on our hands, which is significantly better than an Alan Houston.

But you're right that his salary is arguably a bigger issue than the picks, especially if they are lottery protected

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I agree with the majority, we paid too much but in this situation it is a good thing to do. Hopefully JJ can play most of the game at the point, if not we have too many SF's. The salary bugs me the most but I guess at least we wont be paying out as much when we have to pay to keep or young core. As far as the picks, really we are so young already and have David Anderson due in a year or two and Cenk Akyol in two or three plus the pick this coming year so I guess losing a few of our hopefully poor first rounder picks is tolerable.

We just need to find a good center and maybe a banging SF/C to grow with the team and we are on our way!

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