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Shelden: Disappointment


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I think you got to go back to what happened when Shelden played with Team USA college select team in the University World games...

One of his teammates was Foye. They played against many of the Europlayers that you guys love to drool over.. Team USA college select won the World games. Shelden was MVP... HE averaged about 14 and 11.... My hope coming in was that we played him enough to see maybe a 10/8 season... but Woody seems to dog every drafted player.

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The biggest move turing against BK is Marvin.

Had we gotten Paul or Deron there would be no Speedy or no talk about Roy... We'd be in the playoff picture right now.

Trying to justify everything we have done for Marvin is what is recking this team and keeping certain players in the doghouse.

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Williams response:

"It's hard to see where [Woodson] is coming from now when he wants you to pick up fouls just to pick up fouls. If you don't, the next thing you know you're sitting on the bench watching. Sometimes I don't know if it's me struggling to understand where he is coming from or what."

God not another Diaw situation..

I thought Woodson and BK were friends, doesn't Woodson at least give some input on who BK drafts? I bet he was shaking his head when we got Shelden.

This was the quote that really stood out to me as well. For a guy like Shelden to say that about his coach is pretty bad.

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At the time of the draft Josh Smith was certainly not a slam dunk at the 4.

Ok then where was Smith going to play? We obviously drafted Marvin to be the 3, where was Smith going to play? What about Childress? JJ was going to play 40+ mpg at the two position regardless, was drafting Shelden supposed to bench Childress? If it doesn't bench Childress(as it hasn't), then Shelden is on the bench (as it has). Just a dumb all around decision.


but I'm holding out hope that he'll be really good.

Even if he turns out to be good, it will be for another team. He isn't getting playing time over Smoove, and I doubt he's going to play extended minutes at the 5 position. The only way he'll get extended minutes is if we bench Marvin, and move Smoove back to his unnatural SF position. This makes it a dumb move by BK, he doesn't take into account positions. BK has drafted over 10 players in 4 years here with the Hawks, and not yet taken ONE point guard or center, what do you expect to happen?


I don't think so. I don't think he has to be a great defender to become a top 5 pick kind of guy.

So in other words you're hoping for a player drafted #5, who was drafted to be a great defensive player, to become a great offensive player to justify his draft position?? OK..

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I think the matter is that Shelden has BBIQ.... What Woody asks him to do on the floor is something that may be a old pro kind of move that goes against BBIQ.

In the grand scheme of things, it sounds like Woody is trying to mold Shelden into an enforcer... Live up to the nickname "the landlord". I don't have a problem with that.

By that same token, I think that Woody has to realize too that Shelden does have a nice set shot from the midrange... and that he does play good positional defense.

Under another coach, I think this team would be vastly different... Under Woody, I think that this team is straining to do things that they are not fully equipped to do. Maybe Woody will win out...

But it all speaks to the fact that this whole 6'9 team idea doesn't fly because you have to acknowledge positions.

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The biggest move turing against BK is Marvin.

Had we gotten Paul or Deron there would be no Speedy or no talk about Roy... We'd be in the playoff picture right now.

Trying to justify everything we have done for Marvin is what is recking this team and keeping certain players in the doghouse.

Although the Marvin pick was the worst decision, the Shelden pick is right there with it.

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Woody's quote should be viewed as far more of an indictment of himself than Shelden. Woody is not only a poor coach - he is dysfunctional in the leadership department.

Players occasionally make remarks in front of aggressive reporters that they regret...especially frustrated rookies on losing teams. Coaches should do two things when this happens (1) NOT respond in kind via the media...and...(2) Be a big enough man to forget about it and move ahead. There should be no "doghouse".

Woody seems to have a history of taking every little thing personally and being vindictive... We cannot get rid of him too soon.

As soon as this ownership thing is owner I plan to send a letter to the winner(s) saying same.

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Why do people always bring up CP3 and JJ when we brought JJ in to play PG? We drafted Shelden because he was a two time defensive player of the year and the All-time leading shot blocker at Duke. We needed interior defense, so we picked the highest rated defender. He may still develop into that. He is a positional defender and not a natural shot blocker like smoove, nor is he a 7 footer who can block shots by default like a Diop. When he adjusts his game to the NBA style of play he will be an effective defender. Calm down.

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I was finished with Woody midway through last season. I have lost all faith in his system/approach. He may be a good defensive assistant coach, but that's something we knew from the jump.

It is time to move on. There is just too much riding against him right now and not the least of which is his doghouse.

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Why do people always bring up CP3 and JJ when we brought JJ in to play PG? We drafted Shelden because he was a two time defensive player of the year and the All-time leading shot blocker at Duke. We needed interior defense, so we picked the highest rated defender. He may still develop into that. He is a positional defender and not a natural shot blocker like smoove, nor is he a 7 footer who can block shots by default like a Diop. When he adjusts his game to the NBA style of play he will be an effective defender. Calm down.

you can't have JJ and drink your Paul Koolaid too. Joe being the PG of the future is how he sold everyone down the river on that trade from management, season ticket holders, to the casual fan.

Everyone agreed that the Hawks needed interior defense going into the draft. Shelden was the best player available to fit that need when #5 rolled around.

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I thought Shellhead AND Speedy were brought in to appease Woody. From my memory of the events, Woody wanted a defensive "big" from the draft that didn't need much tutoring. Shellhead was the only player to fit that bill.

I also seem to remember Woody specifically naming Speedy when he was interviewed about point guards.

My point is that BK brought these two in for Woody, who now doesn't know how to use them. BK is making mistakes, but it sounds like Woody is culpable in this situation as well.

I agree with AHF, for a great guy like Sheldon to say that he has no idea what Woody wants from him is a HUGE black mark on Woody. Its almost like Woody expected Sheldon to play like a ten year vet instead of a rookie. My gosh what a foolish mistake.

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Woody has no idea how to manage people or the game. He probably has a good basketball mind, but coaching is just as much about person management as it is drawing up plays. Has anyone notice that the team STILL doesn't know where to be on some offensive and defensive sets! That is simplely absurd.

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Just imagine:

CP3, JJ, JSmoove, Shelden, Zaza...

That team would win...

Even if you consider that we might have spent that Speedy money on a Center... or traded Al for a Center...

That's just the thing though Diesel, we don't have Chris Paul. If we had Paul, I would be for the Shelden pick, I actually think Shelden will be a good PF as well, but with our team, we didnt' need another forward. We drafted Marvin to be the SF of the future, so where did that put Smoove? If Smoove wasn't going to be a PF, where was he going to play? Even moreso, where would Childress play??

With last years selection of Marvin, we didn't NEED to draft Shelden. You understand? Who is Shelden EVER going to get PT over on our team? JJ is playing 40+ minutes at the 2, Marvin is the 3, Smith is playing 40+ minutes, Childress is backing up the 2/3 positions, where does that leave Shelden any minutes, EVER?? He won't see PT on this team with our current roster, period.

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