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Hawks @ Denver


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Looks like Josh Smith hurt his knee. Didn't play but a play in the second quarter. :Nail Biting:

Has that been confirmed? I haven't heard a single word about it from the D-Bag Scott Hastings and his pathetic announcing tonight other than Josh is out. It really sucks too because he was playing very well and I just pray that it's not serious.

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Has that been confirmed? I haven't heard a single word about it from the D-Bag Scott Hastings and his pathetic announcing tonight other than Josh is out. It really sucks too because he was playing very well and I just pray that it's not serious.

So can I take it that you aren't voting Scott Hastings the greatest Hawk ever? Possibly going with Dr. J with that honor?


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f***ing blind *ss refs...

1. Missed a foul on Wilkins (no call)

2. Zaza got hit on the elbow(

No call)

3. Teague called for a charge while Felon was moving...

4. They call a 24 sec violation after the ball clearly hit the rim and Horford was closest to the ball...

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I'm really surprised that we were in the game so late tonight being on tired legs, which clearly showed in the 4th quarter, and being down basically 2 starters for the majority of the game and playing a well rested team who has been playing well. I don't believe in moral victories but I'm not going to be upset or worry about tonight's loss.

And no HF I definitely would NOT be voting for him as an all-time Hawk great. I hate listening to the Denver feed because he whines nearly as much as Jamal flops.

All this ISO Joe is what's been killing us in the 4th. I mean seriously, is LD totally blind to not be able to see that?

I hear you but what should LD do when nobody else on the team can even make a dang shot, sans Horford and Joe? I am not a fan of ISO basketball but when everyone outside of those 2 guys are missing every shot they take there really isn't much you can do.

Marvin REALLY killed us tonight with his horrific shooting and as usual we get nothing from our backup SF offensively or really from any backup position at all and you can't beat a good team such as Denver like that.

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I'm really surprised that we were in the game so late tonight being on tired legs, which clearly showed in the 4th quarter, and being down basically 2 starters for the majority of the game and playing a well rested team who has been playing well. I don't believe in moral victories but I'm not going to be upset or worry about tonight's loss.

And no HF I definitely would NOT be voting for him as an all-time Hawk great. I hate listening to the Denver feed because he whines nearly as much as Jamal flops.

I hear you but what should LD do when nobody else on the team can even make a dang shot, sans Horford and Joe? I am not a fan of ISO basketball but when everyone outside of those 2 guys are missing every shot they take there really isn't much you can do.

Marvin REALLY killed us tonight with his horrific shooting and as usual we get nothing from our backup SF offensively or really from any backup position at all and you can't beat a good team such as Denver like that.

True, our options were quite limited with Smith and Hinrich being out. We just aren't a deep team and to be missing those guys is too much to overcome. 2-2 on this road trip is not that bad. We beat a quality Portland team. Played Denver tough for the most part. I seen a lot of good.

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There's a great chance we win that with Josh or Hinrich so I'm not too mad about the loss, but it sucks to see yet another failed 4th quarter. No offensive rhythm whatsoever. I'm glad Teague is getting some experience, but he just can't do anything offensively except toss up that floater and hope it goes it.

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If Marvin could hit some of those wide open shots he get it would help the team out alot. We always read about him working on his jumpshot but he sure doesn't play like he put's the time in trying improve it.

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The refs pretty much blew on both ends of the floor, so I can't blame that. Jamal really looked bad and even though we did iso Joe, he was hot in the 4th so I can't fault that.

We still should have attacked the basket more though. By the time it was the 4th we were settling for jumpers once again.

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