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It's Quin Snyder Media Day


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59 minutes ago, sturt said:



You had me goin for a second there, but I know you know the answer.

It's called a hierarchy. Also referred to as a line of authority. It's why none of the Waltons actually have to get involved in the decision making if a regional manager and a store manager disagree. We decide ahead of time who actually is in a better position to make decisions, and go with that.

So, no.

The owner has misled people into believing it's necessary for him to intervene. For his own reasons.

It is not. In fact, relatively few NBA teams have an owner so enmeshed in the basketball ops decision-making.

Despite Bleach's wording, I don't think he or anybody else believes it is necessary for an owner to intervene so there has been no misleading on that.  Instead, the owner can intervene whenever he wants and overrule anyone and everyone in the organization if he feels like it.  

That is the top level of the hierarchy.  So if Snyder decided to trade Trae for a bag of chips, if Snyder has the ultimate personnel authority among the basketball team then Landry might not have authority to stop that but Ressler can do so whenever he wants.  

In practice, if Landry and Snyder are mature they will find consensus between them but if a Paul Millsap situation evolves where the GM wants one thing and the coach wants the other and (the owner's son is involved in the discussion  and probably sharing anything with dad that he thinks dad should know about) then the owner may well step in to make the final call.  That isn't the way I think things should work but I think Ressler has shown he is wired to do things that way when he feels like it.  So it doesn't "have to" work that way but does anyone want to bet against Ressler putting his finger on the scales if there is  conflict between his senior basketball people on a personnel move?

The reality is that some owners (especially of private companies) get involved in the hiring decisions of subordinates  when something is on their radar and basketball personnel issues are with a shallow enough pool of people that every decision will hit Ressler's radar.  (I.e., trading say John Collins will hit Ressler's radar in a way that the majority owner or board of directors of a company like Wal-Mart will never see for a district manager position).

The best case scenario regardless of titular authority is for Landry and Snyder to have a functional partnership where they align between the two of them and then jointly sell Ressler on any transactions and Ressler never actually does anything other than give his blessing (or not intervene to change the decision however you want to phrase it).  But if Ressler wants to meddle he can step in ala Mark Cuban or Jerry Jones, etc. whenever he wants.  (Again, I'm hoping he hires his basketball people and trusts them to do their jobs and stays out of it.)

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2 hours ago, AHF said:

... then the owner may well step in to make the final call.  That isn't the way I think things should work but I think Ressler has shown he is wired to do things that way when he feels like it.  So it doesn't "have to" work that way but does anyone want to bet against Ressler putting his finger on the scales if there is  conflict between his senior basketball people on a personnel move?... (and so on....)

You write that as-if we disagree... but surely you get it that we do not on any of that (?).


My point remains... if one wants to see the non-basketball expert owner discouraged from deciding to insert himself, then it must be made clear on the front end what the line of authority is, so that there is lesser reason to anticipate someone's going to try to bring the owner into those discussions to add leverage.

This idea that you want kum-bah-ya  among everyone is wonderful yet, over time, impractical (of course).

There will  be differences of opinion.

The question is how you process those differences of opinion... again, no different than how it is in a family. If a married couple are constantly on the phone to in-laws to attempt to draw-in some leverage for conflicts, that's not good. But the in-laws can do something to discourage that... they can refuse to be drawn in themselves.

Same here. Ressler can refuse to be drawn in to conflicts... but not only is his history to not refuse, his history has been to create an environment where his basketball ops people feel there's enough ambiguity in authority that they can appeal to him.


Ressler has been responsible for the dysfunction. For whatever reasons, whether self-serving or perhaps not so much... none of us can have a solid handle on motives. But actions speak for themselves.


Here's my hope, in light of what Landry said last week... remembering that he actually indicated that the possibility of adding a POBO is something that's been discussed, but that (a) that conversation was better suited to engage Ressler himself, and (b) it's likely to wait until the end of the season...

My hope is that there is some minimum pledge in writing that the new head coach is not merely to be consulted on any proposed roster move that the GM and Assistant GM are giving legitimate consideration, but that after the season, (a) the three of them would sit down and review together what they each perceive to be the most salient goals for the off-season... and (b) come to agreement on those items, however broad or however specific they may be. And that (c) there is a commitment that the head coach's goals will automatically be placed at the top of the priority list, whether or not the GM and/or Asst GM concur.

That's a very tangible way for the head coach of Snyder's pedigree to preside over the direction of the franchise... exercising authority, but then letting the rest of the basketball ops staff wade into the details of doing homework necessary for evaluating options.

It's one tangible way. There are others.

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2 hours ago, JeffS17 said:

I listened to the full presser.  

Throwing aside a lot of the necessary ramblings and buzz words (the guy just signed the contract), I thought it was a good first press conference.  I had not listened to him speak much and it's clear he's very introspective and has a lot of emotional intelligence.  The way he speaks and carries himself should go a long way in the locker room.  Very happy with the hire so far, but I'll hold back any real expectations until next season.  And my expectations are high -- he's the exact coach we needed as soon as we traded for Murray, so it will be interesting to see what changes we make next season and the small wrinkles he can help implement this year.

Me too.

And I really do love how this has worked out. The 20 games + postseason can really create some momentum for next season, and really does give him some advantageous time to begin forging relationships.

This almost seems too good to be true.

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I’m happy. This is the coach I wanted and hoped for. Trae and others are either going get coached up or coached out.

we actually have a coach who schemes. Hawks should be very fun to watch and no I don’t see Snyder going anywhere. He’s going to be here as long as bud if not longer. We honestly should have never lost bud but that’s a different story.

this feels very much like getting bud back somewhat and I was absolutely thrilled when we got bud. Getting Snyder and already having 1 superstar and 1 all star type player in Trae and Murray is icing on the cake.

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Agree on a lot of your post but not this:


And that (c) there is a commitment that the head coach's goals will automatically be placed at the top of the priority list, whether or not the GM and/or Asst GM concur.

Like I said before, I think coaches are programmed to focus on the immediate and GMs are supposed to take the long view.  Placing the coach’s priorities at the top of the list are how you trade Joe Johnson and a pick for Tony Delk and Rodney Rodgers because the coach prioritizes the playoffs and wants vets who are ready today.  That is why I like the GM being the ultimate decider on personnel matters.  Give me Danny Ferry over Bud as the ultimate authority on personnel.

But it is fine for us to disagree on that.  

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20 minutes ago, JTB said:

I’m happy. This is the coach I wanted and hoped for. Trae and others are either going get coached up or coached out.

we actually have a coach who schemes. Hawks should be very fun to watch and no I don’t see Snyder going anywhere. He’s going to be here as long as bud if not longer. We honestly should have never lost bud but that’s a different story.

this feels very much like getting bud back somewhat and I was absolutely thrilled when we got bud. Getting Snyder and already having 1 superstar and 1 all star type player in Trae and Murray is icing on the cake.

I feel the same but this time around.. it’s like having Bud… but with a ton more talent to work with.


shout out to Kyle and Al though.. they were great 

Edited by theheroatl
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10 minutes ago, AHF said:

I think coaches are programmed to focus on the immediate

So, I hear your assertion as a general conventional point...

But do you really  feel that that's a concern for this coach at the very beginning  of his contract?

Shouldn't there be some exception to your rule?

I think there should be for this, and the next 2 off-seasons after that for sure, just because he's the only one in the room with the pedigree that demands that level of regard.

But even if you dispute that, shouldn't you embrace the idea that, at least this very first off-season, that guy should have clear and substantial influence on how the priority list gets constructed? Honest question.


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12 minutes ago, sturt said:

So, at least someone finally asked the question....



The word that comes to mind.... bass-ackward.



If Snyder had final say then there would be no need for a GM.


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15 minutes ago, Diesel said:


If Snyder had final say then there would be no need for a GM.


Here that, RC?

Diesel's wondering what the heck you do for 8 hours a day there in San Antonio.



Hollinger speculating...



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Just now, sturt said:

Here that, RC?

Diesel's wondering what the heck you do for 8 hours a day there in San Antonio.



We know what he does... Collect a check!

It's a model that rarely works.  A coach needs somebody who can reel him in.  Nobody enjoyed the merits of Big Tuna's speech more than I.   I believed in it.. until I lived it.   Sometimes a coach can get lost in the sauce, not understand the numbers and put what he wants on the floor ahead of what is best for the team going forward.   I don't think with no power, Landry will be a strong enough voice to make Snyder change. 

The thing about Pop was that Pop was the GM before he was the coach.  He knew and understood the business. 

This is how Pop described their relationship:



Buford and Popovich both talked about their mutual trust and the synergy between them.

“We are always on the same page,” Popovich said. “We don’t have to agree on everything, but we’re both participatory and we involve other opinions that often sway our own opinions. It’s not always our ideas. It’s not R.C.’s or mine. It’s all of us, but R.C. is the guy that implements everything and gets it all done. It’s deserved and really gratifying to see him get this award.”


When the time come that Snyder really wants something and Landry feels like it's too much... Landry will fold like Laundry. 


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Here's the other thing Sturt.

You lack TRUST.

If Landry says that all the decisions will be made with collaboratively.. why do you think Snyder needs a Title?

The only reason he would need the title is that he didn't trust Landry to be collaborative. 


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3 minutes ago, Diesel said:

It's a model that rarely works. 

Small sample size.

So there's that.


Look, the reason is undebunkable.... you have, as Hollinger attested, a room full of people whose basketball IQ is a fraction of what Snyder brings to the table.

But you want that person to have to have his ideas/objectives pass muster with a guy who is barely 3 years into his post-playing career?

That's foolishness. No, I mean by the dictionary definition.


THIS is the EXACT kind of scenario where you implement something SAS-like. As Pops said... he needs RC for the legwork... "R.C. is the guy that implements everything and gets it all done."




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