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Blessings to Danny!


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I know people here are discouraged, but imagine where we would be if we kept Joe and Marvin...While we hate the product on the court at times, we have unreal flexibility and the possibilities for the future are endless. Unlike every other NBA team, we have ZERO bad contracts and that is big considering the new CBA.Be grateful and hopeful for the future! We just got our lives (as Hawks fans) saved by an oncoming 18-wheeler while we are whining that we've got a few bruises from the fall onto the sidewalk. Let's do our best to keep it all in perspective.

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That is exactly what Ferry wants you to do fantasize.

I'm sorry, but you are ridiculous. As much as I know you want to spin this negatively, you can't. Last Year = future is very bleak and doomed to be handcuffed for the next 3-5 years with no hope for improvement.Now = Zero bad contracts, multiple draft picks, some solid and affordable players that we can build around depending on how Ferry wants to move forward.I'm not stating any opinions... any Hawks fan would agree with the above. Do us all a favor and stop acting like a victim.
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I am not ridiculous. I am just being honest. We have a million expiring's and to sit around and do nothing to really improve this team with them is just putting all of your eggs in one basket. To me that is fantasizing.

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The Hawks are in great shape - Ferry will move some of the expiring contracts and get a solid player or pick...Right now we have 2 first round draft picks in a draft that has a lot of big men and a few good Pgs. I know we toss around trade ideas but truth be told we have to get our coach of the future and let him work with Ferry to build a good team.

I vote for Avery Johnson - he is probably the only viable option for a coach who has been to finals

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I am not ridiculous. I am just being honest. We have a million expiring's and to sit around and do nothing to really improve this team with them is just putting all of your eggs in one basket. To me that is fantasizing.

you do realize the trade deadline is in Feb right? Let things take shape - Ferry has given the Hawks ton of flexibility and he has complete control.

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I know people here are discouraged, but imagine where we would be if we kept Joe and Marvin...While we hate the product on the court at times, we have unreal flexibility and the possibilities for the future are endless. Unlike every other NBA team, we have ZERO bad contracts and that is big considering the new CBA.Be grateful and hopeful for the future! We just got our lives (as Hawks fans) saved by an oncoming 18-wheeler while we are whining that we've got a few bruises from the fall onto the sidewalk. Let's do our best to keep it all in perspective.

Nobody worth the money is going to take the Hawks cap space? Why do people believe that players will just sign here because of Danny Ferry? I mean, really?

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MrMeltdown and Hotlanta are without question the most negative posters on the board. Once I see your handle, I know it'll be some form of whining. I'm sure many other members agree...Both of you are missing the point here. Nobody is saying we're going to win a championship right now. This isn't related to our current performance in any way. But just last year, our franchise was a dumpster fire. Nobody would take Joe's or Marvin's contract and they would sink us for the next five years (mainly Joe's). Ferry has done the impossible in getting us a clean slate, and you're bickering like an old woman because we are not where we want to be right now and that we're doomed to fail. Focus on the fact that we've avoided inevitable mediocrity and be grateful we have a chance to rebuild this franchise under the new CBA. I'm not naive enough to say that I know how things will turn out (unlike you two), but I'm glad we got clean slate to give it another try through the draft, affordable current talent, and now more affordable free agents with the new CBA.

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MrMeltdown and Hotlanta are without question the most negative posters on the board. Once I see your handle, I know it'll be some form of whining. I'm sure many other members agree...Both of you are missing the point here. Nobody is saying we're going to win a championship right now. This isn't related to our current performance in any way. But just last year, our franchise was a dumpster fire. Nobody would take Joe's or Marvin's contract and they would sink us for the next five years (mainly Joe's).Ferry has done the impossible in getting us a clean slate, and you're bickering like an old woman because we are not where we want to be right now and that we're doomed to fail. Focus on the fact that we've avoided inevitable mediocrity and be grateful we have a chance to rebuild this franchise under the new CBA.I'm not naive enough to say that I know how things will turn out (unlike you two), but I'm glad we got clean slate to give it another try through the draft, affordable current talent, and now more affordable free agents with the new CBA.

And with you I guess it will be false hope. You probably believe in the Santa Claus also.

We cleaned house when we had SAR, Dog, JT and Theo also. Brand New start we were lead to believe.

But it turned out to be a repeat of the late 90's Hawks. First and second round exits. Why is it going to be different this year?

lol, best of Danny Ferry? Why are we supposed to believe this guy can just draw players to Atlanta like no other gm has been able to do? Because he rode Lebron's jock in route to the finals? Because he carried Greg Pop's bags in SA?

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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I know people here are discouraged, but imagine where we would be if we kept Joe and Marvin...

While we hate the product on the court at times, we have unreal flexibility and the possibilities for the future are endless. Unlike every other NBA team, we have ZERO bad contracts and that is big considering the new CBA.

Be grateful and hopeful for the future! We just got our lives (as Hawks fans) saved by an oncoming 18-wheeler while we are whining that we've got a few bruises from the fall onto the sidewalk. Let's do our best to keep it all in perspective.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...the future is always ours - just around the corner - pie in the sky when you die - flufferberries.

Do you really think the "power/money teams" will just back off due to some new rules and say "Holy Cow..the Hawks had it figured out and now they are the best" ????

I don't buy that bovine excrement for a minute. Posted Image

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Yeah, yeah, yeah...the future is always ours - just around the corner - pie in the sky when you die - flufferberries.

Do you really think the "power/money teams" will just back off due to some new rules and say "Holy Cow..the Hawks had it figured out and now they are the best" ????

I don't buy that bovine excrement for a minute. Posted Image

It's like when fans say that when this and that team fall of the wagon, we will be there to take advantage. Three seasons ago Boston was on the verge of being old and when the time came, the hawks would dominate.

Then Miami got Lebron and Bosh. NY got Mello.... Rose started to take the conference by storm, and now the hawks are rebuilding and retooling with no reason to believe things will work out better than they did before.

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Y'all are hysterical. I am not being a sunshine pumper, but I'm not a Debbie Downer when our team could be completely new next year.Here's where we are. Look below:Before = bad options onlyNow = good and bad possibilities (endless was the word I used)This is why we should be grateful, and this is the major theme of our franchise right now.Which would you prefer?

Edited by ryandauwalker
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It's like when fans say that when this and that team fall of the wagon, we will be there to take advantage. Three seasons ago Boston was on the verge of being old and when the time came, the hawks would dominate.

Then Miami got Lebron and Bosh. NY got Mello.... Rose started to take the conference by storm, and now the hawks are rebuilding and retooling with no reason to believe things will work out better than they did before.

I have been trying to tell people this for many years. Keep your b-list squad and you are going to get lapped. We can bitch and whine all we want about how hard it is to build a contender, but it's not going to stop people...

Talent will NOT stop coming into the league.

Teams will NOT stop making trades that change the landscape.

The best free agents are NOT going to stop migrating to winning situations.

If we're not high in the draft and we're not luring the best free agents, then what exactly is our plan? There isn't one, because there's this fear about dealing our own players...so trade is off the books. Seriously...mention Josh and the Smoove protection squad comes out. Mention Al and the Horford protection squad comes out. Say something about changing coaches, "Oh...but look at how well he's led this team in a season where we weren't supposed to be anything!"

Meanwhile, the rest of the NBA is busy trying to build a team that can beat Miami or OKC or Chicago in a few years. Draft, trade, free agency...you have GOT to take one of those routes to find an impact player (usually TWO) and you've got to build a team around them. Anything else is Pete Babcock/WLOC all over again.

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it could be a blessing or he could use the cap space to overpay a bunch of overrated mediocre players and start another mediocre era. We either have to get d12/cp3 or tank for wiggins /parker next year. No more inbetweens we have to stop settling with being a 40 win team.

We have to get some kind of star power or there will be no cultural change.

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Y'all are hysterical. I am not being a sunshine pumper, but I'm not a Debbie Downer when our team could be completely new next year.?

You got that right...with all these expiring contracts and Smoove likely ready to move on...I would say "new" might be an understatement.

Edited by DJlaysitup
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The fact that Ferry dumped the worst contract in the NBA and still has a playoff team gives him Carte Blanche in my book. If "rebuilding" means still making the playoffs and competing, that is a great thing.

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The fact that Ferry dumped the worst contract in the NBA and still has a playoff team gives him Carte Blanche in my book. If "rebuilding" means still making the playoffs and competing, that is a great thing.

The term "rebuilding" is synonymous with taking the focus off of winning. If your focus is on anything but acquiring and developing talent, then you are not rebuilding. What you're doing is either tweaking or reloading.

Tweaking is what Pete Babcock and Lenny Wilkens did. We had the same kind of team then, just tried a different SF every year (LaPhonso "Glass" Ellis, Ty Corbin, Snake, Willie Burton...). We got the same kinds of results - with better and deeper team than we have now. Tweaking will maintain our playoff presence.

Reloading is a gamble...albeit a small one. Reloading is essentially making lateral moves or dumping a guy and bringing in replacements. I would say that we have reloaded this year. The core is the same, but Ferry brought in guys to offset the loss of Joe's production. In hopes of maintaining playoff viability and cap flexibility.

Here's the thing... Tweaking and reloading is good when you have an elite core. When you have a middle of the pack team, all it does is keep you in the middle of the pack. We have a couple of decades worth of sample data for you guys to comb over if you doubt that.

Now, I understand the excitement of having cap space and a new GM, but some of you guys are way over the top with your expectations. Just like it's premature to dump on Danny Ferry right now, it's also a little premature to be praising him as some sort of savior.

Yes, he unloaded Joe Johnson...but he did not put a gun to Billy King's head and say, "TAKE JOE JOHNSON OR WE GONNA WASTE YO ASS!" New Jersey had issues of their own and they were desperate to keep their PG. Credit Ferry for getting it done, but damn...we lucked up. We lucked up HARD. That is called right place/right time. I'm happy, but to me...It's almost akin to Billy Knight drafting Josh Smith at 17. Does anyone want to call Knight some kind of drafting WIZARD?

Ferry may prove to be a great GM, but he will have to transform this team - and he's going to have to do more than dump Joe and replace him with role players to do that. He's going to have to secure some elite talent. Cap space is great if there are guys willing to take it...historically, we've not been able to do that. So, if we don't trade anybody and if we resign Josh Smith to a big contract and we're not drafting high (God forbid that...)...then all I see are future up and down seasons and second round ceilings.

...and that is NOT a good thing.

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Yes, he unloaded Joe Johnson...but he did not put a gun to Billy King's head and say, "TAKE JOE JOHNSON OR WE GONNA WASTE YO ASS!" New Jersey had issues of their own and they were desperate to keep their PG. Credit Ferry for getting it done, but damn...we lucked up. We lucked up HARD. That is called right place/right time. I'm happy, but to me...It's almost akin to Billy Knight drafting Josh Smith at 17. Does anyone want to call Knight some kind of drafting WIZARD?

The above paragraph is way off base. BK had plenty of lottery picks he blew ( Sheldon, Marvin, Chillz). So his draft success rate is not very good with top 6 picks where he only hit on 1 out of 4 (Horford being the only successful top 6 pick). BK was only 1-5 with succesfull lottery picks when you add in the Acie Law selection at pick #11. That is simply horrible.

Ferry has only made 2 trades and both turned out very well for the Hawks. Ferry is 2 for 2 right now for his trades with Atlanta.

His draft selection of John Jenkins looks adequate considering he was selected at pick #24.

All the problems you state regarding Atlanta's 2nd round ceiling are issues Ferry inherited...........not problems he created. The primary positive of this franchise, cap room flexibility, is an issue Ferry is soley respsonsible for.

Ferry deserves nothing but praise for his work this far.

Blaiming Ferry will come into play when future decisions are made on how to use the cap flexibility....not now.

Edited by coachx
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The above paragraph is way off base. BK had plenty of lottery picks he blew ( Sheldon, Marvin, Chillz). So his draft success rate is not very good with top 6 picks where he only hit on 1 out of 4 (Horford being the only successful top 6 pick). BK was only 1-5 with succesfull lottery picks when you add in the Acie Law selection at pick #11. That is simply horrible.

Ferry has only made 2 trades and both turned out very well for the Hawks. Ferry is 2 for 2 right now for his trades with Atlanta.

His draft selection of John Jenkins looks adequate considering he was selected at pick #24.

All the problems you state regarding Atlanta's 2nd round ceiling are issues Ferry inherited...........not problems he created. The primary positive of this franchise, cap room flexibility, is an issue Ferry is soley respsonsible for.

Ferry deserves nothing but praise for his work this far.

Blaiming Ferry will come into play when future decisions are made on how to use the cap flexibility....not now.

Well first, I haven't blamed Ferry for anything. Nothing. So let's not take the conversation in that direction. I'm doing what I always do and that is observe and wait...cautiously wait.

The parallel is LUCK.

Knight was not a good drafting GM and...that is exactly my point. He lucked up and Josh Smith fell into his lap at 17. By the same token, I feel that Danny Ferry got lucky and was able to unload Joe Johnson. Seriously, how many people in here were THANKING New Jersey for taking him? I know was. :)

When I look at trades, I look at the shrewdness involved and the net results. Sacramento swapping White Chocolate for Mike Bibby for example. Pete Babcock trading Kevin Willis for Steve Smith or Rumeal Robinson for Mookie Blaylock. Boston...mortgaging their future talent and winning a ring. Those are some shrewd moves. Dallas' draft day deal for Dirk. Those are big time moves that involve a little more than luck.

Ferry did not create the opportunity that put New Jersey in a bind. He may have been looking for somewhere to offload Joe, but New Jersey did us a favor more so than Ferry scored a homerun. They were running out of options and they were desperate to keep Deron Williams happy. I'll give the man credit, but ANYBODY would have jumped all over that deal. Just like anybody would have taken Smoove were they in Atlanta's shoes.

I'm not saying that he didn't do ANYTHING and I'm not bashing him or blaming him. I'm saying it's too early to be praising him. By the way, I said the same thing when everybody was all excited about Billy Knight dumping everybody on the team. Everybody was giving him such praise and there was all this excitement...my response was that he hadn't done anything yet.

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