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Korver To Replace Dwyane Wade in the All Star Game!


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He muthaf&@kin better had. Bud is doing his part to restore the toughness and competition back to the East, we're gonna drill the West. THREEZUS!!!!!!!!!!

Couldn't have happened to a classier, harder working guy. I damn near flipped in my car seat when I heard the announcement.

And "The Group" is so damn gangster, the first thing that'll come out of their mouths during interviews for the weekend will be shout outs to Junkyard, without whom none of this would be possible. He'll be there in spirit (sheds tear).

Did anyone see that *** Cowherd (and I actually like the guy) laugh and joke about DeMarre and Kyle yesterday and how the people who've jumped on the bandwagon at ESPN (yall gotta lay off Simmons, he loves us) are dead wrong? I could've jumped through the TV and choked that clown, then I realized he probably hasnt seen a full Hawks game. They know not, can't fault ignorance. All-Star Kyle all in your face you bitch.

Edited by lethalweapon3
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I literally yell this every time he hits a three:




So deserving of the award. FOUR HAWKS in the All Star game did you ever think this day would happen in your life?? I didn't and I've watched this team for 38 years.

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How great would it be of Bud put all 4 in at the same time in the first quarter?

It would be criminal not to.

I'm pretty sure Larry Brown was the coach of that team that had 4 of his guys and he did it without a second thought. Bud is going with the box and LeBron easy.
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