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Hawksquawk Anti-Awards: Least Valuable Player


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Give us your picks. This catagory is for the "Marquee player" who did the absolute least for his team in relation to his contract or celebrity status. Injured players do not apply.


After compiling an acceptable list of candidates, we will have a real poll to decide the winner.

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Diesel's boy

Glenn Robinson, he played in 42 games, I don't know if it qualifies him or not

If not I will go with

Rasha Nesterovic, he may not be popular, but he isn't worth his salary


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They are the same guy in my opinion. Both are WAY overpaid to play the same position yet neither can beat out the great Vitali Potapenko for the Sonics' starting Center role. Both averaged around 5 ppg and both averaged less than 4 rbg while making over $5 million/season.

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Toine vs. Dirk? vs. Jalen Rose.It's a tough call for me. I'm excluding players like Houston and Dog (out most of the season), Richardson/Mo (still on rookie contract) and Reef (let's be honest, he didn't play cause they didn't play him ~ and they hadn't planned on it when they traded for him).

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I take it back. TMac. Dude flat out sucked this year, cried and whined, and that cowardly [censored] at the end of the season really put a bad taste in my mouth. I realize that the team was not suited for him and perhaps the coaching staff was unstable....but he carried a team with above average starters at four positions to last in the association (Gooden, Howard would start on 2/3 the teams in the assoc, Lue on 1/3 maybe). Whatever happened to their backcourt wonderkid Gaines (and who wanted to trade up for him soooo badly last year???)

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I'll go with McDyess who has done very little since coming back from injury. I can't pick on the rookies too much, and we all have our gripes about our own players, but Hansen was kinda floating around at the beginning of the season.

Not his fault, but SAR has no purpose in Portland.

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  • Premium Member

Good Old Kobe Bryant. He's supposed to be top 5 some people say top 3, and look at what he did this year...

24, 5, and 5.5

down from 30, 7, and 5.6.

Shooting percentage down 1.4 %, 3 pt percentage down 5%. Steals down by 40%. Blocks cut in half.

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I hesitate to even reply to this and egg you on, but since I'm heading out of town for the week I'll go ahead an do it ~

Kobe had a career year last year. Remember the hoopla as he bulked up 15-20 lbs during the offseason (before last season, not this one, which had it's own hoopla) and came out with a vengence? he backed it up, carried the team, including that 40pt stretch (much of which was without Shaq)...and you called his points and play selfish.

However, with the additional of two recent multi-year all-stars, his boards fell from 6.9 to 5.5 this year and his assists slipped slightly...yet you fail to mention/realize that those numbers (which you hated/said were flawed in garnering) would still rank in his personal top two seasons sans career year.

You're right though. Due to significant injury this year (surgery in the pre-season), ongoing legal and and personal issues, his mpg are the lowest since his soph year. Coincidentally, as he has taken fewer shots and played fewer minutes, and his shooting percentage suqsequently slipped to 43.8% this year (your boy TMac "slipped" to 41.7% this year)

~I don't see how you can even make an argument that TMac had a worse year (though I'm not sure that that's the point of this thread).

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Kobe is celebrated as on of the top 5 guys in this league.....

Welll this year, he's exposed....

Among SGs, he ranks...#2 in scoring which is good...

However, among SGs he's #14 in FG%.

Among SGs, he's #7 in rebounds...

Among SGs, he's #4 in assists....

Among SGs, he's #13 in steals.

Among SGs, he's #12 in blocks.

Look at the numbers, Paul Pierce, Crawford, Kobe is no longer a top 5 player.

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