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Sorry Ferry Haters =(


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His rough summer has turned into a bittersweet winter, no doubt, because how much fun can it be to remain estranged from a team you created?

A team flirting with first place in the East?

A team that, suddenly, is doing the very thing some in the organization openly questioned: garnering curiosity -- if not dollars -- in Atlanta?

Danny Ferry is living in exile in the Atlanta area, just a few dozen bounce passes away from Philips Arena, where the Hawks are doing what they can to turn heads.

A month ago they had a neat little record in the East many snorted at because the Hawks hadn't played anyone. After 15 wins in 17 games -- including victories against Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers, plus road wins vs. Houston, the L.A. Clippers and Dallas -- Atlanta has raised its swagger. The Hawks are essentially the anti-Cavs: low on star-power, high on unity, through the roof on value.

"It's a team that keeps on fighting, and everyone has bought into the system," said Al Horford. "We go out, play unselfish basketball and let the rest take care of itself."


Can the Atlanta Hawks win 60 games?

The Beat panel answers a viewer question about how far the Atlanta Hawks can go this season.

Put this team in New York, L.A. or Philadelphia and folks in those big, depressed basketball cities would be losing their heads a bit. As it is, the Hawks are toiling in perhaps the worst sports town in America and certainly a hard-to-please basketball burgh that's been in hibernation ever since the last reel of the Human Highlight Film ended.

Dominique Wilkins retired in 1999 and today, as the team's TV commentator, he's still the most famous Hawk in the building. That's the hard sell of the Hawks, and that's what indirectly contributed to a long, hot basketball summer in Atlanta.

That's when Ferry, then the general manager, and a leaked memo from ownership put the franchise in a pickle.

Ferry mentioned in a team conference call how Luol Deng, a 2014 free agent the Hawks considered pursuing, had "a little African" in him, a crack at Deng's supposed tendency to deceive. Separately, Hawks majority owner Bruce Levenson complained in a memo (which he revealed) about the Hawks' woeful attendance and openly wondered how to attract more white fans.

In a city that gave birth to the Civil Rights Era, this felt uncomfortable. Ferry and the Hawks didn't receive much backlash because the general manager and team fell on their sword quickly and thoroughly, aiding the healing process. Levenson immediately announced plans to sell his share, and the Hawks remain active in their pursuit of a potential majority owner.


Best of Inside: Atlanta Hawks

The guys discuss why no one is talking about the Hawks, they have won eight straight games and are one of the top teams in the east.

As for Ferry, he has gone great lengths to educate himself on all matters of race and culture. How can anyone condemn a man who goes that route to redemption without being nudged? What Ferry said was probably more due to ignorance. It was an insensitive observation by someone who doesn't have a history of being racial. Plenty of prominent blacks in and out of basketball gave Ferry a pass and stressed the need to move on: Magic Johnson, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, even Deng. In any event, after he was placed on indefinite leave, he took it upon himself to meet with community leaders, Hawks players and even took an NBA-sponsored trip to Africa.

Ferry's leftover work on the court appears to be just as impressive. Coach Mike Budenholzer, whom Ferry hired in 2013, is running a team that plays hard, hides its weaknesses and shares the wealth. Because of this, "Bud" is a Coach of the Year front-runner.

Ferry and Bud were groomed by the San Antonio Spurs organization and that imprint is evident. However, there is one big difference. The Spurs have three future Hall of Famers, while there's a small possibility the Hawks won't have a player in the 2015 All-Star Game. How weird would that be if, by chance, the Hawks are leading the East by then?


Arena Link: Paul Millsap

Paul Millsap joins GameTime after helping to push the Hawks over the Rockets on the road.

Paul Millsap, Horford, Jeff Teague or Kyle Korver should garner a All-Star reserve spot, even though none of them are producing earth-moving numbers or contributions. In any event, the Hawks are satisfied playing team ball ... not that they have much choice. Atlanta has never been a destination city for free agents, despite its charms: great weather, a reasonable cost of living, diversity and nightlife.

Their inability to get a true star has affected the box office and echoes can be heard in Philips Arena on most nights. The Hawks are 24th in average home attendance this season and finished 28th, 26th and 23rd in that department, respectively, the last three seasons. Sparse crowds and support is probably enough to scare A-list free agents away.

Depending on whom you ask, other excuses range from a lack of traditional success (the Atlanta-era Hawks have never reached the conference finals) to lack of faith in ownership. Atlanta product Dwight Howard made it clear as a free agent two summers ago he had no plans to return home, not even to play alongside boyhood pal (and now Houston teammate) Josh Smith.


Up/Down Report

The Starters' Up/Down report covers whether the Hawks are a contender, Vivek Ranadive's plan to play 4-on-5, and Nick Young wanting to star in "Kazaam 2".

Despite these challenges, Ferry went to work anyway. He came to a team that had maxed itself out and managed to re-tool the Hawks with minimum pain. His greatest feat was dumping Joe Johnson's massive contract to the Brooklyn Nets without taking back a bad contract. That same summer, he shipped Marvin Williams' albatross deal to the Utah Jazz.

Ferry eventually replaced Smith with Millsap, a much more reliable all-around player who is on a team-friendly contract ($9 million per). He traded for and then re-signed 3-point shooting ace Korver and two summers ago, drafted German point guard Dennis Schröder. He's already pressing Teague for playing time and is often on the floor deep in fourth quarters.

Despite a 38-win season, the Hawks were a pleasant playoff surprise and took the Pacers to the limit. They've continued that trend so far in 2014-15, especially lately. Even if they break even from here, the Hawks would finish with nearly 50 wins.


GameTime: Dominique Wilkins

Dominique Wilkins checks in with GameTime to speak on the Hawks' winning streak.

Because they don't rely on a designated weapon, the Hawks move the ball (second in the league in team assists) and simply locate the open man. Horford's return from his second shoulder procedure has been a significant lift, and Bud is getting the most from a bench comprised of second-round picks and lightly regarded free agents. Mike ScottPero AntićDeMarre Carroll and others aren't bashful about taking big shots in the clutch.

"I'm just happy I can work my way back and not be the person holding back this team," Horford said, laughing. "The last couple of weeks, I've felt normal. And it's good to feel that way and be productive, because this is a good group of guys, a solid team to be around."

Recent wins over top teams in the West prove the Hawks aren't a fluke. Whether they're a serious threat to win the East depends on them staying injury-free, maintaining their sharp 3-point shooting and managing a few more message-sending wins over the Toronto Raptors and Bulls.

Meanwhile, another bit a drama is taking place quietly. Ferry's fate is up in the air and will be largely decided upon by the new owner, whomever that will be and whenever he/she will arrive. Until then, "Bud" will handle the personnel duties, and while that might seem burdensome for a coach, this will only become an issue should the Hawks become buyers at the trade deadline.

Here's the cruel thing about that now-infamous memo from Levenson about the Hawks' inability to get people to the games: Their biggest supporter, the man who built the team and made this hot start possible, is reluctantly a part of the crowd that stays away from Philips Arena. Still stranded in exile, Ferry can only sit and home and watch on TV.


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Ferry haters.... lol


Weeeeeeellll........lemme see.


I REALLY liked the Budenholzer hire and I've been in love with our style of play from the very beginning.   I didn't hate on Millsap or Carroll...or really anybody that Ferry signed.  I was extremely pleased that he matched Teague (and I've been in his corner since day one).  I loved the way Ferry came in and talked about changing the culture.  When I realized that Ferry got the rights to swap picks with Brooklyn, I was bowing down to him - and STILL impressed with that..  I've called him smart and acknowledged that he was well groomed from the Spurs.  All this...and I'm one of the biggest "anti-Ferry" guys on the board.


Where's the "hate?"


The problem is very simple. First, many of you fail to realize that we are ALL fans of the same team here.  We're not Bulls fans or LeBron "nut-swingers" that don't like the team.  Some of us have been fans for DECADES (three decades for me personally).  We don't hate the team.  We want it to do well.  Secondly, and more importantly, you guys just don't understand the argument.  You only see one side of it.  


I didn't think the Hawks would be terrible.  

I didn't think the Hawks couldn't beat good teams.  

I don't think having a "superstar" is ALL that you need to contend.

I don't think that drafting in the lottery is the ONLY way to build a winner.

I don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE for us to sign a marquee free agent.


My problem with this team is simple and hasn't changed in like...........5 years (which includes the current GM's stint).  I will not be happy with a 2nd round team.  We are playing good regular season basketball, but I really want to see us maintain this and get out of the 2nd round.  I don't beat Chicago while Rose sits out...or Cleveland while they struggle with change.  I want to roll into the playoffs no lower than the 3rd seed and I want us to SMACK these teams at their full strength IN THE PLAYOFFS.


We look good.  Danny Ferry and Bud have made a believer out of me in "The System" because we are getting it done without the firepower that I thought we needed.  I'll save the golden seal of approval though until after we do something that we've never done before.


Truth be told, some of you probably won't be able to fully grasp my concerns for many years.

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I think Ferry should get prison time. It's time for those who make racially or politically insensitive remarks to be condemned to prison. We must abolish the first amendment, it is the only we can have absolute political correctness mandatory by law.

For a second I thought you were being serious...
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