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Oh boy "Atlanta Hawks are being whiny babies" - Deadspin


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One of the best things about basketball is that it is not baseball. I enjoy both sports equally, but basketball has always had an edge in the not-employing-humorless-dickwads department, which means you rarely ever see NBA players or coaches talking about “class” or “playing the right way.” The Atlanta Hawks are trying to ruin this good thing.

As you know, the Cavaliers rained 25 threes on the Hawks last night, setting the NBA record for most made three-pointers in a game. After the game, a few Hawks players took issue with the fact that the Cavs kept bombing away from deep, seemingly chasing the record. From Cleveland.com:

“It’s a certain way of being a professional,” the Hawks’ Paul Millsap said to cleveland.com. “I’m not mad about it, but just being professionals man. If that’s how you want to approach it, that’s how you approach it. I think our team and our organization has class and I don’t think we would have continued to do that, but other organizations do other things so what can you do about it?”
Al Horford added that his team “wouldn’t do anything like that,” and Kent Bazemore warned that karma may come back to bite the Cavaliers. Cleveland.com reports that all three players insisted that they weren’t actually mad, just a little irritated, which is the surest sign that they are very, very mad.

And they should be mad—at themselves. Getting blown out in a playoff game while surrendering an NBA record is embarrassing and sucky, but the Hawks have nothing to be angry at the Cavs about. The Cavs shot the third-most three-pointers in the league this season, so it’s not absurd for them to keep doing so at the tail end of a blowout. There’s no such thing as a clock-killing offense in the NBA; teams just have to keep running their sets and taking the shots that come to them until the game ends.

Even if the Cavaliers were shamelessly gunning for the record—they shot 11 threes in the fourth quarter despite being up 33 points when it started—who cares? Records are awesome, and the fourth quarter of a blowout is exactly the time to go all out for one. If the Hawks were embarrassed by that, it isn’t anybody’s problem but their own.

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Which is why you send a message ala Chuck.  That is equally part of the game.  Just has to be done in game.  Telling the press it was unprofessional for them to whip your butt mercilessly in the fourth quarter isn't doing anything.  

I  hope we really are mad and show it in Game 3.

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If you have an issue with them attempting the 3s do something about don't whine after the fact.  Like I said - a slide under or just running into them hard EVERYTIME they shoot it and send them sprawling to midcourt.  

You are already losing by 30 point,  an And 1 if they make it doesn't matter at that point.

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When's the last time Deadspin was relevant? It seems like back in 2010 they had something interesting going on where they'd break news and also have some interesting commentary. Now? It's pretty shitty. They all speak in the same sarcastic, whiny voice that's counter-culture and gee-gosh-golly they are so "edgy" with their insight!

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2 minutes ago, hawksfanatic said:

When's the last time Deadspin was relevant? It seems like back in 2010 they had something interesting going on where they'd break news and also have some interesting commentary. Now? It's pretty shitty. They all speak in the same sarcastic, whiny voice that's counter-culture and gee-gosh-golly they are so "edgy" with their insight!

I don't think their article is even accurate.  It absolutely is common practice to call off the dogs in the fourth quarter of a blowout.

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6 minutes ago, AHF said:

Which is why you send a message ala Chuck.  That is equally part of the game.  Just has to be done in game.  Telling the press it was unprofessional for them to whip your butt mercilessly in the fourth quarter isn't doing anything.  

I  hope we really are mad and show it in Game 3.

But do you really think that will happen though? Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely LOVE for that to happen, but these guys have proven over and over that they are soft when it matters most. Even the '07-'08 Joe Johnson led Hawks forced a stacked Celtics team into a 7th game when many felt they didn't even belong in the Playoffs. This Hawks team is at least as talented and 100% better coached. All I ask is that they show some grit and not get run out of their own building on Friday and Sunday.

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2 minutes ago, hawkman said:

But do you really think that will happen though? Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely LOVE for that to happen, but these guys have proven over and over that they are soft when it matters most. Even the '07-'08 Joe Johnson led Hawks forced a stacked Celtics team into a 7th game when many felt they didn't even belong in the Playoffs. This Hawks team is at least as talented and 100% better coached. All I ask is that they show some grit and not get run out of their own building on Friday and Sunday.

Yep, with Sorfy Horfy leading the charge, I don't see the fight.

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When their coach Lue played for the Lakers he was a hard hacking type of PG. He fouled Iversen  a lot and really hard and kind of rubbing it in that he was getting away with it during the finals one year. It was talked about back then. Maybe its OK with him to rub in no matter what the situation. 

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13 minutes ago, hawkman said:

But do you really think that will happen though? Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely LOVE for that to happen, but these guys have proven over and over that they are soft when it matters most. Even the '07-'08 Joe Johnson led Hawks forced a stacked Celtics team into a 7th game when many felt they didn't even belong in the Playoffs. This Hawks team is at least as talented and 100% better coached. All I ask is that they show some grit and not get run out of their own building on Friday and Sunday.

I wouldn't bet on it but I am hoping for it.  We've had series in the past where we got destroyed on the road but fought hard at home.  The series against the eventual champion Celtics where we lost our road games by an average of more than 25 points per game but won all 3 at home jumps out.

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Something has to done,but whining to the press isn't one of them. The Hawks played with no fight in them. Bud didn't make any adjustments in his rotation. I know Korver provides spacing, but he has to cut his minutes down. Give Hump some burn when Thompson in the game. 

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1 minute ago, AHF said:

I wouldn't bet on it but I am hoping for it.  We've had series in the past where we got destroyed on the road but fought hard at home.  The series against the eventual champion Celtics where we lost our road games by an average of more than 25 points per game but won all 3 at home jumps out.

We had a young team then with not a care in the world and know any better  against  the Celtics big 3. They were unafraid - this team not so much .

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14 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

We had a young team then with not a care in the world and know any better  against  the Celtics big 3. They were unafraid - this team not so much .

That more recent first round loss to Indy was us losing by 18+ per game on average on the road and then tough at home.  Leave me my hope!  What else do we have?

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8 minutes ago, AHF said:

I wouldn't bet on it but I am hoping for it.  We've had series in the past where we got destroyed on the road but fought hard at home.  The series against the eventual champion Celtics where we lost our road games by an average of more than 25 points per game but won all 3 at home jumps out.

Man I hope so. It's sad that my expectations are so low, but I'd love to see a repeat of that Celts series. I made it to a few of those games and the Philips crowd was as into those games as any Hawks game I've seen.  That Hawks team was flawed but pretty scrappy, at least on home court.

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4 minutes ago, hawksfanatic said:

When's the last time Deadspin was relevant? It seems like back in 2010 they had something interesting going on where they'd break news and also have some interesting commentary. Now? It's pretty shitty. They all speak in the same sarcastic, whiny voice that's counter-culture and gee-gosh-golly they are so "edgy" with their insight!

You forgot to add your byline to your post:


By Hawks J. Fanatic

Deadspin staff writer

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I'm embarrassed they said anything.   They should keep their mouth shut.  This ain't little league and frankly i've seen the Hawks do the exact same thing.  Maybe we weren't up by 40 and shooting for a record but i've seen us shooting 3s when the game was out of reach in our favor.   So shut the hell up.   Bad enough you embarrassed us all but you have to whine about the other team continuing to play?   GM Chrysler!   Not sure i'll watch Friday.


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