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How big a loss is Thabo?


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I think it is huge ... he was the key to the D with our second unit.  It was seamless of taking DMC out and replacing him with Thabo on D.  The playoffs are an ISO game a lot of the time and we needed him for guys like Lebron.  Baz is pretty good but he is smaller and takes a little more chances ... Thabo stays on his man.  Also, he is a very underrated rebounder

Its not to say that we can't win without him ... he was just a very important piece .. .we got him for the playoffs and now we lost him

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We will not the championship because of this injury. With a healthy team I truly believe we could beat any team in the NBA in a seven game series. Now? Not a chance. We have no elite perimeter defender and if you look at past champions  you will see at least one of those on the roster.

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Let's put it in the Hawks' vernacular. It would be like losing Cliff Levingston before the playoffs. He doesn't start but he's an important piece nonetheless.


It simply means that someone will have to step up in his place; it's as simple as that. Bazemore will have to play bigger and better than he ever has in his career; same for Carroll. If Demarre really wants a big contract after this season, now is a really good time to show it. Hey, Austin Daye. Want to be thought of as more than just roster filler and NBDL material by your peers? Here's your shot. Ditto for Shelvin Mack.


Next guy up? We'll see if anyone wants to be that next guy and soon...

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It is a bigger impact than the Eugene Robinson hit was for the Falcons.  We have seen this team be elite with Thabo and pretty good without him.  There is a huge difference for playoff basketball between elite and pretty good.

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None of us can really even begin to know at the moment.  We can see how good a defender the guy is and he was starting to come around on offense the last few games.  I doubt he makes us win or lose ECF or Finals(if we can get there).  He really just makes us all a whole lot comfortable when he plays.


All in all his replacements will need to step up on D when covering opponents best player while carroll is on the bench. Lets hope theyre up for it

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We have seen this team be elite with Thabo and pretty good without him.  There is a huge difference for playoff basketball between elite and pretty good.

Yes, what he does for us does not show up on the box score.  He was a very important piece to the puzzle

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Yes, what he does for us does not show up on the box score.  He was a very important piece to the puzzle


It doesn't show up in Thabo's box score in terms of points scored.  It does show up in the rebounding and team stats.  His elite defense makes our defense better; his rebounding from the wing gives us more possessions / cuts down on opp possessions; and his depth means that we aren't asking Baze to do more than he is ready to do.  


You and I are definitely on the same page here.  He was one of our key players this season.

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I think he can absolutely be the difference between winning and losing a series for us.  

I agree. I was very confident for us to win a series vs the Cavs.  I can't say the same now that Thabo is done for the year.



The refs will favor Lebron and Demarre will likely be the victim of some bogus calls.  Who will defend Lebron when Demarre is in foul trouble.  How will Demarre do vs Lebron when he is weary of catching another foul and has to play more reserved.

Thabo is the most important non-starter on this team.

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This is a major loss because I think Bazemore is less effective as a defender the more minutes he plays. He had elite defensive physical attributes, but lacks the defensive awareness to defend like Thabo for long stretches. He often over helps on defense leaving 3 point shooters wide open because he is over confident in his athleticism. This is fine and actually useful in small doses, but teams will adjust and exploit this in the playoffs.

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Glass half-full, and you know I'm ever the optimist... the answer to the question is "not as big as it would have been if he hadn't already been injured for so much of the season."

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the basketball gods just delivered the city of Atlanta a gigantic f u.

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Pretty damn big. I had us winning the Finals in 7 over SA/GS (coin flip between the two). I'd be surprised if we get past 6 with Cleveland now: it proved to be pretty easy containing LeBron and maximizing his miscues with the barrage of defenders (don't sleep on Sap, too), but Thabo was the foundation to that attack. Now it's probably impossible to hold him below his averages, just my novice opinion. But please believe I'm still riding with The Group till the wheels fall off and the discs dig into the concrete.

We came within 6 minutes of a historic upset last season. The gap between Pero and Al is 19 times larger than the one between Thabo and Baze/Mack/Mike. Bud will have to begrudgingly tilt the focus back to offense a little more than expected, no problem. He installed the heavy trapping and steal-happy attack late last year before the playoffs, I wouldn't doubt some slick new formation or play to get us a few extra points, offensive rebounding oppurtunites with Moose in the fold will definately get a boost.

Edited by benhillboy
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