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Ain't gonna lie....


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I'm as true as they come and I have shouldered through a lot of disappointment over 30 years.  I loosely follow all of Georgia sports, but the Hawks are my team.  I have listened to the bandwagon talk from superstar nut-swingers...and have been laughed at for being a Hawks fan since 1987.


I have hoped beyond hope for over 3 decades and I have NEVER turned/hated on any of our players (coaches and GM's, is another story).  This post season has got my nerves worked up so bad.......I can barely watch!


Call me what you want, but we lay an egg in this series and I will have to shut down.  You have no idea how much I have dreamed of watching this team play in the ECF's or Finals.  Every time I'm watching a Finals, World Series, or Super Bowl, I'm sitting here wondering when my squad will get a crack at it...over 30 years dude.


I need this team to make the ECF's.  I should probably backtrack a little.  I won't give up permanently.  I have too much invested in the franchise, but I'll be done until I see them knocking on the door of the ECF's.

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My fandom was on the line tonight.  Had we lost this game, the disgust would have taken me to an all time low.  I really don't know how to feel right now...because it's not over, but I can't accept a 2nd round loss; and certainly not to the damn Wizards.  I don't have the words for it.


And I'm not trying to hear anything about playoff basketball, regular season basketball, improvements...none of that.  The Wizards are a decent team, but we should be up 2-0 right now.  There's no excuse for dropping Game 1...


Whatever though.  A win is a win and I don't care at this point.  We have a chance now to restore order.  Thank you Hawks for taking care of business tonight.  Thank God for this rest coming up...  They better not go up into Washington and play that scared and confused basketball that we've been seeing.


Where the hell is that team from mid-season that went coast to coast taking everybody's lunch money?  That's who I want to see from here on out!


The only problems I've seen so far..


Game 1, we ran out of gas due to the lack of rest compared to the Wiz.


Game 2, Teague isn't being aggressive enough for my liking.




I don't know if dropping Game 2 would have made me lost my fandom, but I would've been highly upset.

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Sounds like some serious jumping the gun if you're ready to bail on the Budenholzer train in year 2. I think most of us see that this is just the beginning of what will hopefully be the golden era of Hawks basketball. Some perspective might help; just think about what your expectations were at the start of the season.

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I feel pretty much same as Wretch.  The thing is we are not looking good in even our wins in these playoffs.  Hard to imagine us beating the Wizards with Wall back at this point.  When will they turn their on switch on?

We have to beat the Wizards.  Have to.

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I'm as true as they come and I have shouldered through a lot of disappointment over 30 years.  I loosely follow all of Georgia sports, but the Hawks are my team.  I have listened to the bandwagon talk from superstar nut-swingers...and have been laughed at for being a Hawks fan since 1987.


I have hoped beyond hope for over 3 decades and I have NEVER turned/hated on any of our players (coaches and GM's, is another story).  This post season has got my nerves worked up so bad.......I can barely watch!


Call me what you want, but we lay an egg in this series and I will have to shut down.  You have no idea how much I have dreamed of watching this team play in the ECF's or Finals.  Every time I'm watching a Finals, World Series, or Super Bowl, I'm sitting here wondering when my squad will get a crack at it...over 30 years dude.


I need this team to make the ECF's.  I should probably backtrack a little.  I won't give up permanently.  I have too much invested in the franchise, but I'll be done until I see them knocking on the door of the ECF's.



I'm kind of the same way in terms of watching the games, I'm just on the edge of my seat the whole time it's almost hard to enjoy it.  I'll always be a Hawks fan but the history of all Atlanta sports has me constantly expecting the worst.  


The bottom line is that this team is playing tight.  They're playing like it's their first playoff experience and the moment is getting to them.  Missing layups, can't hit open shots, not moving the ball like we have all season, dumb turnovers, failure on fast breaks, etc makes it so frustrating.  


And yes, we should be up 2-0.  I still don't feel great about the win tonight because we just didn't play that well IMO.  I just hope we can get back to Hawks basketball before it's too late.

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I'm going to be a Hawks fan regardless of what happens. I've stayed with them through Nique being traded, the Ken the Snake Norman years, the Isaiah Rider trade, the Lon Kruger era, the 13 win season, drafting Marvin over CP3, Iso Joe and dumbass Josh, epic playoff blowouts. I'm not going to jump ship if they flame out this postseason because I like the system we're putting together. But I'll be goddamn pissed.


Crazy thing is...it's almost like I can't even imagine being down 0-2 right now.  I think I can deal with a 7 game loss.  Maybe.  But losing in 5 games would push me over the edge.


I'm kind of the same way in terms of watching the games, I'm just on the edge of my seat the whole time it's almost hard to enjoy it.  I'll always be a Hawks fan but the history of all Atlanta sports has me constantly expecting the worst.  


The bottom line is that this team is playing tight.  They're playing like it's their first playoff experience and the moment is getting to them.  Missing layups, can't hit open shots, not moving the ball like we have all season, dumb turnovers, failure on fast breaks, etc makes it so frustrating.  


And yes, we should be up 2-0.  I still don't feel great about the win tonight because we just didn't play that well IMO.  I just hope we can get back to Hawks basketball before it's too late.


I agree.  They need to settle down and I'm trying so hard not to get pissed about their play.  At the end of the day though, at this point I'm just counting down the wins.  Each one brings us closer to something we've never seen before.


If we can get to the ECF's, I really think they'll will rise to the occasion and play with more focus.  Although, I shudder to think about how the refs would call us vs. the Bulls or Cavs.  Especially the Bulls.

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I agree I was going to be very upset if we dropped 2 at home. But I would be more angry at the fact that it would be proving the "typical" fickle Atlanta fan right. I cringe anytime I hear an Atlantian say "well this is typical atlanta, always choking in the playoffs."

Coming from a background that believes heavily in stats and science I hate it when fans somehow attribute past occurrences of ALL Atlanta teams to the current season. So when the Hawks do struggle it irks me even more that it's making fans ever so fairweather.

We got a win and we will finally get caught up on some rest till Saturday. I think we will come back refreshed and knowledgable with film Bud has analyzed.

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Yesterday's game was a must win and the Hawks came through. I didn't expect Sessions to play that well and Hawks got Pierce into foul trouble. I was surprised Wall was out for the game but good thing Hawks took advantage of it, otherwise, it would be pressure like no other. 

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Hey, now all the higher seeds have lost at home. It's the playoffs. I feel pretty confident we'll get a split in DC.

No the Hawks suck and everybody else is good. Golden State would never lose a game like. Ohh opps.I mean LeBron is a superstar he wouldn't allow. Ohh opps. Playoffs people win and advance. Pretty doesn't matter.

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I realize the defense is slightly better in the playoffs but I've seen more missed open layups by the Hawks this playoffs already than I've seen all season - especially Teague. I agree that we're playing a little scared and playing the game to not lose, instead of trying to win.

On the flipside, even though a lot of these guys aren't playing up to par we have had others step up. All I have to say is thank God for Demarre. He is the only one I see being vocal and stepping up for his team. He has that fire the other players need. Pero is also making up for last seasons playoffs. He's hitting his shots (including a big 3) and playing his usual stout D and setting good screens.

While not impressed overall it has shown me that Bud has helped prepare and create a deep team. We have had others make up for some of the crappy play along the way. It's just a matter of if or when these other guys will show that same fire and step up. I would love to see Demarre get in these guys faces and get them going, like Al who seems way too nonchalant. He did it when Baze finally hit a three and you know what? He hit another shortly after. C'mon Playoff Teague where are you?!

Edited by AUhawksfan
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I think we'll break through. It's almost like the team isn't ready for the moment. Teague is struggling, but I think he'll come good with rest on his ankle.

Moving forward, I'd like to see us make a couple of adjustments: first, I think we need to go trap even harder off of pick and rolls. We're letting their ball handlers get way too easy shots. I think it will help neutralize Wall's moving forward. Secondly, I think we should consider putting Carroll on Beal moving Korver over to Pierce. A bigger body could potentially disrupt his shooting.

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We have been pretty lackluster in the playoff except for the last game in Brooklyn



I think we played 5 lackluster quarters against Washington.  And honestly, maybe they got homecourt advantage because we were tired (physically and mentally).  However, last night's 4th gave me hope.  I think our team runs on one thing... Horf hitting his midrange shots.  We will play defense... automatic.  We will get out in transition... automatic.  But the true sign that our offense is clicking is when Horf is hitting that midrange shot.  We don't lose when that happens.  I don't think Washington has anything that will be able to stop us from doing that.



NJ showed and Washington is also showing that our defense is weak down the middle.  Especially when you have bigs.Gortat is no Brook Lopez but we can't keep letting their guards come down the middle of our defense on the drive.  This is what is killing us on defense.


We da South...


Go Bulls!!!

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Secondly, I think we should consider putting Carroll on Beal moving Korver over to Pierce. A bigger body could potentially disrupt his shooting.

I 100% agree and have been very surprised Bud has not pulled this lever. Paul Pierce isn't blowing by anyone, and Demaree is cheating to far off because of this and leaving him wide open for three.

If I was Bud I would for stretches put Demaree on Wall Teague on Beal and Korver on Pierce.

Teague is terrible defending the pick and roll, but is athletic enough to effectively chase Beal all over the court and limit his open looks.

We had alot of success against Wall in the regular season putting Thabo on him. He seems to struggle against bigger players with active hand and becomes a turnover machine.

I trust Kyle Korver to stay home on Pierce. There have entirely to many wide open looks for Paul in this series.This must stop. Paul is also the one wing player on the court that doesn't have a significant speed advantage over Korver.

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Everything this season is a premium IMO. This team is about 8 months ahead of schedule. I'm surprised they've struggled as much as they have relative to the perfect January, but not upset or panicked at all.

I'm sure we will see more adjustments on defending Beal and we all know Bud isn't shy about sitting Teague when he's playing like a b.

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  • Premium Member

Sounds like some serious jumping the gun if you're ready to bail on the Budenholzer train in year 2. I think most of us see that this is just the beginning of what will hopefully be the golden era of Hawks basketball. Some perspective might help; just think about what your expectations were at the start of the season.


It's more like I'll need therapy after year 30 of faithfully supporting the most irrelevant team in the NBA.  How bad is it that I'm sitting here in an office with Bulls fans and Wizards fans....talking about how much they hate the Hawks, how sorry they are, and how they'll never do anything because they always choke.  


I have endured this for 30 years.  There is no way I could deal with being down 0-2 to the Wizards this morning.  Last nights game was beyond a must win for me and this series is IT.  Like I said, I'm not giving up entirely on my team...but if they can't beat this team, and they prove all the haters and bandwagon riders right...and let me down after this damn near perfect season...


Yeah, I'm going to shut down.

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