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2023-24 Insider Information Thread


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I know nothing!  I know no person even associated with any pro team.

To me, the insider posters are someone who knows someone that passes on information, sometimes true and sometime just a wild guess.  Insiders tell us, "This is what I'm hearing."  Knowing someone who knows someone who hears something that someone else said.  This is the picture I get.

It's great to hear all this.  Some of it is really true.  Do I believe everything I read?  Nope.  Not guilty.  Should I jump up and down and throw a fit if everything doesn't happen?  Heck no.  It's not like I'm betting my life savings on the information and it's not posted with that in mind.

Insider information is for entertainment and gives us a feeling of being in the know.  I believe all our insiders are sincere and give us what is given to them.  Keep up the good work!



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37 minutes ago, sturt said:

Again. Again. Again.

"Sources" is a relative term. I've illustrated that.

But I'll go further. Does Brad talk with John Collins? Sure he does. Does Brad talk with assistant coaches? Sure he does.  Does Brad talk with Kyle Korver. Sure he does.

But what we're talking about here is "insider intel" that only certain people are both (a) well-placed to provide and (b) willing to provide.

A John Collins or Joe Prunty isn't/wasn't ever going to be well-placed to provide player movement intel and related.

Kyle Korver is well-placed, but he's certainly never going to be willing to provide that kind of intel, unless it's already agreed to release it.

So, the question is what sources Brad... or for that matter, any other media person... has that meet those two criteria, not just one.


Chris Kirschner, for instance, somehow someway seemed to have those kinds of sources.

I think I'm less hung up on confirming the details of his sources.  Knowing that he has a better pulse on the team than most anyone else is enough for me.  

It's hard to gauge how loose the lips are from FO down to the players and where that gets to the media, but it's especially hard if the content creator never attempts to break the inside information.  

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25 minutes ago, Final_quest said:

@AHF I think you and the mods are stellar.  The grown men posting insider details are by definition risking extra scrutiny.  Tough to know when to step in vs when to let it go.  I lean a little more towards letting a few absurd comments go.   

I do not.  We are all adults, well some of us are there maybe kids here..lol, if you get in a frenzy over someone posting something that doesn't happen, that's on you.  Your expectations should be set that the insiders are posting information that is fluid discussions between the Hawks and whoever.  No need to call them out and get in arguments.  The entire thread is for entertainment purposes and reading people getting in d*ck measuring contests  with them isn't really efficient for those of us who just go to thread to get the latest "talks".  

If you want to do that, take it to the private messages and stop cluttering up the board or, "gasp" create a thread for insider back talk.

Edited by marco102
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@Sothron While I would never attack someone personally for providing so-called insider information, I view the “insider” posts as entertainment and topic starters/continuation. The only time I would then graduate (in my mind) someone to an actual insider would be via a post on here that is phrased like this tweet:

That being said I like the “insider” posts because it keeps the conversations flowing.

Edited by theheroatl
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I look at it this way.... Sources are sources.   IF you share then cool.   I can be in the barbershop with Landry, every Thursday at 3:30 PM.  And if I ask Landry about what he thinks about the Hawks and he tells me.. he's a source.  If I share it then, that's on me.   If I share it and he knows that I am going to share it... then that's on him.   If I share it and he knows I am going to share it and he believes that others in the national media will read it.. then that's something different because at that point, he has to realize that he can use this relationship to pass along the things he can't say or to make people believe what he wants them to believe. 

I made reference to the life of a drug mule earlier.   Well, it's an on-point reference.   The mule doesn't know what they are carrying, they are just carrying it.   They may think they are carrying pure 100% stuff that has never been stepped on... but until the forensics people test it or until the dealers test it.. they don't know what they have.  But they think they have the best stuff.   Hell, they could have carried the best stuff before.  However, that doesn't mean that they will always get the best stuff.  Sometimes, they will get the stuff that the Boss wanted the feds to get.  The stuff that throws the feds off the trail.  

Now, in this scenario, the mule is not at fault.  The mule is just the mule.   It seems to me that we're penalizing the people who are doing the forensics.  I see a lot of "How dare you say that the package that the mule carried was not good.".   Then the mule is getting pissed off.  But nobody is blaming the mule.   They are talking about the package.   And if they are blaming the mule, then that's another thing.   But the mule shouldn't be sensitive.  They had to know that whether they were caught by the feds or they made it to Miami that somebody was going to test the package to see of what quality it is.  In all my days of moving work, I've never seen a mule get pissed off because somebody tested the package.  The work always get checked! 



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3 hours ago, mountainjim said:

New member, just joined, wanted to say thank you to all the contributors that make these insider threads and this forum so interesting and entertaining.

I tried to join several times in past, always got an error and any emails I sent went unanswered (as I recall).

Been lurking for years, now retired, so around even more.

When I lived in Atlanta, I once was attending a game on my then-wife's corporate seats, entered a drawing for season tickets, then a week or 2 later, I was again at a game in those comped seats when the barrel was rolled out to half-court and my entry was pulled out - winning me season tickets in the Omni. My brother had just gone for beers and was heading back down to our seats when he saw me at midcourt receiving the prize and wondered: What the Hell?   🙂

This was during the 79-80 season, as I recall, or maybe 80-81 - Coach Hubie Brown, assistant Fratello, scorer John Drew, Tree Rollins, Dan Roundfield, Eddie Johnson, Charlie Criss. etc.

Unfortunately, poor record, Hubie fired, but I lived 5 minutes away so it was easy to head over to games after work.

Glad to finally be a member here!






Welcome aboard the roller coaster. Hang on tight, it can sometimes get bumpy 😀

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Things I knew and when I knew them..

The draft was interesting.   I believed that a lot of moves would be made because of Denver Winning and teams having the belief that if Denver can win we can win.  The first shoe to drop....

1.  Dallas sending Bertans and a first to OKC for their pick.   This cash dump signaled that CC was staying put for the time being.   I don't know if we wanted 10 for a player or for a cash dump but I realized that we were in trouble. 

2.   INdy did something.  I don't recall.   But it let me know that Hunter was staying put for the time being. 

3.  Dallas picking Lively...  Oh.. there goes our big. 

4.  The Pels picking Hawkins..  Oh.. there goes our Guard. 

5.   Oh yeah, Indy picking Couliably. and then trading him to Washington...   Travis is at it again.  He's taking players that can't  win nothing is what I said. 

I guess Washington started early.  Trading for Jordan Peele.  I giggled a little.  GS had to give up a first to get Old man CP3? Or were they giving up a first to get rid of JP...  My conclusion here is Travis will always be a goto for GS. 

I'm glad that Bufkin was who we really wanted the whole time. 



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27 minutes ago, Sothron said:

Being called essentially a liar is not something I would let go in real life let alone in a community where I have been a member for decades. There are people I have known going back to ESPN.com message boards in the late 1990's just in the Hawks community. 

The mods are doing the correct thing by keeping questioning someone on a personal level separate from why you would think a particular rumor makes no sense. I have never seen myself or another insider getting upset about the latter. We are, frankly, simply passing along things we have heard that we have been cleared to repeat. 

Attacking people on a personal level is different. Imagine you are the water cooler at work and you are having the same conversations we have with an insider. Imagine one guy in the crowd loudly calling the insider a liar or heavily insinuating they are a liar. Not just once but over and over and over non stop. How long does that become insulting? Annoying? Belittling? 

We all know the answer to that. I stopped posting any insider information and literally left this place for YEARS because I was getting death threats on this very website. They knew my name, my wife's name and had pictures of our house and our address. The admin did nothing back then. No one did anything. Dolffan begged me to come back. I did but for years after that I shared NOTHING I was hearing because I was worried that would happen again.

No one has, thankfully, stooped to that level of crap again. But no one should go through that or any kind of personal attacks for simply passing along things they have heard. It is frankly insulting to suggest that because we do we should be expected to be harassed and have no consequences for those harassing us.  We are just fans and posters. Just like everyone else. We deserve the same respect as anyone else. That's all we ask.

Don't call me a liar or any other poster a liar for months or insinuate the same thing over and over and over. It is a very, very low threshold to expect from a community we have been a part of for years.

Well, at this point it's hard to not come across like I want to give people a blank check to threaten your family, but that's not what I'm saying at all.  I have never challenged any of the "insider" information or called any of you guys liars.  When I say extra scrutiny should be expected that doesn't mean people have a free pass to do things to that extreme.  

You guys aren't claiming to be giving a personal opinion on what you think the team will do or should do.  You are claiming you talk to a source that has insight.  That invites scrutiny more than giving an opinion.  Who is the source? Are they reliable?  Are you adding your opinion to the info?  And yes some people are going to ask if you truly have a source or not. 

If you are going to make an extraordinary claim, you should expect more challenges to that claim.  Saying I am craving corn dogs is less likely to get challenged than saying I know the president and he told me we are invading Russia next week.  But there is also a line that no one should cross in how they communicate and that is when it's appropriate for mods to step in.  

I know one poster here has gotten a little more antagonistic towards the insiders but we know him well enough to know he's not gonna hunt your family down so I wish we could be more cool about it. Does that soften this a bit?  Hope I'm not being misunderstood.  

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1 hour ago, Spud2nique said:

That’s how I feel myself. I’m always crackin jokes about myself to keep it light hearted. I love all you folks you are basically me. (Perhaps a lil more stable and level headed) but we are the same. HAWKS 4 LIFE

None of us are stable Spud.  I'm definitely a mental disaster right now 😄.

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2 hours ago, Sothron said:

Being called essentially a liar is not something I would let go in real life let alone in a community where I have been a member for decades. There are people I have known going back to ESPN.com message boards in the late 1990's just in the Hawks community. 

Soth.. You and others are appreciated.  But let's not get it twisted, the miss rate of these "sources" is high.  If no one else says it, I have to say, sources mean squat when the same things happen over and over.  I don't complain, call out the insiders or otherwise, but if you can say "my sources," shouldn't you bear the weight of heightened expectations good or bad?

Each individual can make up their own mind, but I'm realizing that the Hawk's are gonna Hawk..."Insider" be damned..

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1 hour ago, KB21 said:

This is only my opinion and not insider info, but I feel like there were two players the Hawks were interested in trading up for: Anthony Black and Cason Wallace.  Considering that they took Kobe Bufkin at 15, their focus seems to have been on guards who could act as secondary creators/initiators who could also play with both Trae and DeJounte.  

We need a BU PG... Period.   Our BU PG can't continue to be Murray. 


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